Resistance Training and Youthfulness

Over the years, I have been privileged and honored to interact with, learn from and observe men and women who have been weight training for thirty and even forty years. These dedicated fitness buffs do it because they have built…
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Building Strength Inside and Out

Our modern-day lives are indeed busy. Technology continues to speed up our world and demands on our time and expectations are rising with it. In such a fast-paced environment, our own self-care is more important than ever and vital to…
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The Dead Lift is still King of Exercises

In the late 1800’s a newspaper advertisement promoted a simple exercise machine called the Health Lift which claimed to be the only physical exercise a person needed to boost health, strength and fitness – instantly. Today that particular exercise has…
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Exercise for Energy

Feeling tired, sluggish or sleepy beyond the norm? Ready to fight your ongoing fatigue? Rather than reach for another cup of coffee, try on exercise for relief. A Harvard Medical School report on how exercise is empowered to boost energy…
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Strong Fit Muscles and Your Immune System

Good health is way more than battling the scale – we need good quality muscle mass. It’s in our genetic blueprint – our bodies cannot stay healthy without consistent vigorous exercise and that means strong lean muscles. Movement is what…
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Examine Your Priority List…

Without a doubt, the most powerful way to make important changes in our lives is to spend time identifying our values and priorities and then adjust them based on whether they move us towards our goals or keep us from…
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Dangerously Declining Testosterone Levels

Testosterone is one of many hormones produced by the human body. It is the main male sex hormone and men produce much higher levels of it than women do. Estrogen is the sex hormone that is prevalent in women. Both…
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The Key to Being 40-50 years YOUNG…

Looking to turn back or slow down the aging clock? You’re not alone. Slowing down the aging process and improving our health is not something we do after we’ve had a health scare. Nor do we wait till later in…
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The Dangers of Chronic Inflammation…

These days, we are faced with constant threats from our environment that our immune systems must be on red alert for.  As industrialization took hold, we faced new threats to our immune health such as: smoking outdoor and indoor air…
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Your Aerobic Capacity and Exercise

How many times have you begun an intense exercise program only to stop at some point? If you’re like most, that answer is in multiples. Although it is possible for all of us to begin again at any time, that…
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