Advantages of Slow Weight Training

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There are numerous ways you can approach resistance training but one version that seems to work well for lots of people is called “slow weight training”.

This kind of exercise fits the description of a complete exercise. The benefits reach across the board to bodybuilders, those wanting to lose weight and those wishing to perform general exercise.

When you slow down your exercise program you are actually turning it into a high-intensity exercise.

The slow movements allow your muscles to access the maximum number of cross-bridges between the protein filaments that produce movement in the muscle.

This type of exercising involves the combination of very slow speeds of lifting and lowering the weight.

Objective –

The objective of slow weight resistance training is to create more tension in a muscle for a given workload.

Super slow weight training which originated in 1982 by Ken Hutchins, was developed in an osteoporosis study as a need for a safer speed for subjects to perform without getting hurt.

Slow lifting has advantages over standard weight-training techniques. For one, it puts greater demand on the muscles thus burning calories faster and minimizing the jerking motions that often lead to injuries.

When you first start on a slow weight training program, start with a familiar strength training exercise and weight and remember to always use good form and proper technique.

The key to making slow weight training work is to never let the muscle rest and to remove the element of momentum from each exercise making the muscles do the work.

You can perform your exercise program twice a week if you want but it only takes once a week to be effective.

I recommend using 4-5 basic compound movements (you can vary them) for your exercise set.

One example set could be:

  1. Pull-down (or alternatively chin-up)
  2. Chest press
  3. Compound row (A pulling motion in the horizontal plane)
  4. Overhead press
  5. Leg press or squat

You can do these exercises using free weights or machines. If you can squeeze out more than 12 reps you need to move to a heavier weight.

Begin by lifting the weight as slowly and gradually as possible with a slow count to four to bring the weight up and another four seconds to lower it. (When pushing, stop about 10-15 degrees before your limb is fully straightened; smoothly reverse direction). Slowly lower the weight back down to the slow count of four.

Repeat exercise until you are exhausted which should be around 4-8 repetitions. Once you are exhausted do not try and push one last lift rather just keep trying to produce the movement even if it’s not going anywhere for another five seconds or so. You should be able to perform 4-8 repetitions.

Immediately switch to the next exercise for the next target muscle group and repeat the first three steps. All it takes is 12-15 minutes to fit in a phenomenal strength-training work-out.

You can super-charge your weight training by going slower. If you would like more information on “slow weight training” or if you’re one who struggles to take weight off no matter what you do…check out my “Stop Weight Loss Resistance” program. Everything you need to know about weight loss resistance, education, diet, hormones and exercise are included.

When it comes to your health and well-being, it’s time to spend your energy on something that contributes to your health!

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