Your Live Your Best Life Ever by Developing a Healthy “Success Muscle”

No matter what our passions and goals might be, the world is abound with unlimited opportunities to reach those goals, to be successful, realize our passions and fulfill our dreams. Success or failure achieving these things depends on the choices…
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Shift Out of Victim Mentality…

Attitude is everything. Mental attitude, no matter what the end goal is, either helps you get there or impedes your progress and one of the most damaging attitudes anyone can adopt is victim-mentality. What is victim-mentality? Victim mentality is a…
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Ready to Adopt Better Habits? Follow this Proven Plan…

Our happiness or lack thereof, success or lack of and even health and fitness levels are all tied into and the result of daily habits. Our habits are essentially what define us. Good habits result in positive routines, efficiency and…
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Strategies to Boost Your Will-Power and Self-Control

There are two very powerful muscles in the body that are not part of our muscular/skeletal system, but equally important when it comes to reaching our dieting goals or sticking with our fitness plan. These two muscles are mind-muscles. They…
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The Goals of an Anti-Aging Lifestyle…

Not surprising, in this age of instant information, more and more, people are focused on obtaining a healthy and youthful life – the good life. In other words, the search for quality old age is on. Without a doubt, it’s…
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Sedentary Lifestyles are Harming Our Children

It’s a sad but true fact that childhood obesity has more than tripled in the last three decades. Just 30 years ago diabetes was viewed as an “old” person’s disease. Not any longer. The real, but sad truth is, young…
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Self-Accountability Empowers You to Success…

Leading a productive life, demands that you respect and care for yourself enough to know that you deserve to live in a healthy, slim, fit, feel-good body. It means being self-accountable. Self-accountability…what is it and why do we need it?…
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Consistency and the Power of Practice

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle Entrepreneurs are some of the most driven and successful people on the planet. They don’t get there by giving up. They are not weak…
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“No Excuses” Health and Fitness Plan…

“If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse.” No matter how intense efforts are when beginning a new health, fitness or weight loss regime, at some point in time, we all…
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Healthy Workouts Breed Healthy Competition…

Humans are designed to compete. It’s our nature since competing for survival is our first basic instinct. A healthy competitive instinct and drive is what pushes us out of our comfort zones so we can experience the most growth professionally…
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