Carbohydrates are “Simple and Complex”…

Don’t starve – nourish. It should be the new dietary mantra. Macro-nutrients are an important part of that nourishment. They consist of proteins, carbohydrates and dietary fats. These nutrients are provided through your choice of foods. Since each of these…
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Mandatory Kitchen Appliances for Health Conscious Cooks

Kitchen appliances for the health conscious cook. The most important element to any profession or hobby are the tools. What is an artist without his tools or a carpenter without his toolbox? Each tool offering a different way to create.…
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Health Benefits of the Small but Mighty Apricot

Although apricots are considered a super-food they are often times the least enjoyed readily available fruit for most families.  If you have not tried apricots in some of your recipes, it’s time you did. These little pocket sized gems grow…
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Starving Yourself Causes More Damage Than Good…

Just because we live in the age where food is at our fingertips we think we are well fed and well nourished. Unfortunately, one does not equate into the other because many of the easily obtainable and readily available foods…
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Preventing Chronic Disease…

Chronic diseases are incurable diseases that slowly and painfully steal the life out of someone as they continue their destruction, getting worse and worse throughout a person’s lifetime. It is definitely a modern day health holocaust that accounts for 70%…
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Essential Macro and Micro Nutrients…

Without a doubt, the most incredible machine ever created is the human body. Among all the amazing talents it displays, is the ability to break down the foods we eat into macro and micro nutrients so they can be reassembled…
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Maintaining Healthy Mitochondria…

Inside each cell within your body is a tiny structure known as mitochondria meaning “little bean.” Some cells contain thousands while other cells have none. The main function of this “little bean” is to metabolize or break down carbohydrates and…
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Simple Tips to Help You Remove Excess Weight/Fat…

Looking to trim down and take off excess fat? Here’s a few tips to help you out: Protein rich foods: Without a doubt, protein is the one type of food that you should be eating more of in your fat…
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Run Your Body Like a Business…

In the same way as CEOs act in the interests of their companies, it is our responsibility to care for our body and our health. Truth be known, we are the proud owners of a family business that we have…
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Overfed, Overweight But Under-nourished

Without a doubt, the diet our ancestors enjoyed is a far cry from our modern day diet. We are overfed and under nourished, consuming too many calories while providing little to no nutrient value to our bodies. We falsely believe…
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