The Six Factors of Physical Fitness…

Because exercise is based on the muscular and joint functions of the human body, functions we all share, we can surmise that the general principles and application of exercise are universal and the same for all humans on the planet.…
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Aligning Your Body, Mind and Spirit into One Powerful Force

There are those (although few) that still believe that “being healthy” is only about focusing on how well the body is functioning. Then there are more enlightened individuals that are aware of their mind-body connection and know that “being healthy”…
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Healthy Immunity – Longer Life

The immune system is the body’s natural defense system with differing branches that serve unique functions, all working to to keep the body out of harms way. Its network of cells, tissues and organs protects the body against internal and…
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Stress – It Does a Body Bad

Stress – just hearing that word can conjure up negative feelings and emotions! Stress itself is not necessarily unhealthy, after all, without our ancestors reacting to threats via their “fight or flight” instinct, we wouldn’t even be here. It’s chronic…
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Self-Reflection – A Powerful Personal Growth Tool

Doing regular guided self-reflections is a crucial part of boosting your mindset and turning a negative one into a more positive one and achieving greater success in life. Self-reflecting helps you to center your mind and reduce stress. You instantly…
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Live Your Best Life by Building Your Success Muscle

No matter what our passions and goals might be, the world abounds with unlimited opportunities to reach those goals, to be successful, realize our passions and fulfill our dreams. Success or failure achieving these things depends on the choices we…
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8 Tricks to Become an Early Morning Exerciser

You’ve heard before that people who work out first thing in the morning tend to be more successful at following a fitness program. Ever wonder why? Well, yes, a lot can be said for getting it done and getting on…
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Take Advantage of Your Metabolic Furnace…

Do you exercise regularly in hopes of ridding yourself of excess weight but your excess weight doesn’t budge? You’re in good company. Thousands of people exercise daily under the mistaken belief that all exercise is the same, therefore all results…
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Exercise Helps You Fall Into Deep Restful Sleep

Most people are aware that eating proper foods and performing challenging exercise are the two primary keys to boosting energy and living longer, healthier, more productive lives. What many people are not aware of is the role that sleep plays…
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Boost HGH Levels Naturally

Hormones are the bodies regulators, regulating every system in the human body. HGH or GH –  Human Growth Hormone is one of the most important and complex hormones the body produces.  It is critical for building a lean, muscular body,…
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