Have You Had Your Morning Health Shake Today?

Health Shakes are more than a trend, they are a long term investment in health and the cornerstone of a nutrient-dense eating plan. Once you begin enjoying your Health Shake in the morning you will notice a difference in how…
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Shifting the Focus from Weight to Health for a Healthier You

There is a massive paradigm shift happening on ground level among men and women all around the world. We are moving into a new approach to how we look at our bodies and our health. We are looking for more…
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Your Health Is Your Bank Account

You already know what makes a bank account unhealthy: too much spending, not enough income, or both. But have you ever thought about your physical health in these terms? In a very real sense, you were born with a certain…
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Diligence Is The Essential Key To Success In Any Endeavor

Let’s face it, there are no “quick fixes” in life. Anything worth having…anything worthwhile, anything we place value on takes time, patience, persistence, perseverance, determination, discipline, tenacity, vision, effort and resolve. Put all those attributes into one package and you’ve…
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The Right Words Can Radically Transform Your Life, Relationships and Business

Having a daily gratitude practice is a hot topic in the health and wellness world. Positive emotions have been linked with better health, longer life,and greater well-being in many scientific studies. We used to believe that happiness cultivated a feeling…
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Hacking Your Brain’s “Reward System” to Change Habits

We may wonder how do we achieve our biggest goals in life. Hard work, learning new skills, and staying focused are definitely important things, but one of the most important things we need is motivation. Losing motivation can stop us…
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What Is An Anti-aging Lifestyle And Are You Living It?

Almost from the beginning of time, people have been looking for a fountain of youth, or at the very least a magic potion that can keep you feeling and looking forever young. The potions usually come in a bottle, a…
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Building Better Habits For Lifelong Health & Wellbeing

Are you feeling the urge to upgrade, refresh, or improve your life? Now is a great time to start something new or approach something you would like to change in a different way. Whatever you want more of in your…
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Lifestyle Habits That Matter Most

A well-known remedy proven to slow and even reverse the aging process is readily available to all of us that does not involve scalpels, injections, implants or cosmetic surgery. Yet, tons of money continue to be recklessly pumped into cosmetic…
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Want More Happiness? Try This…

Want More Happiness? Try This… Happiness is almost a world-wide obsession these days. The self-help shelves of bookstores and online websites are laden with offerings that promise to help you find or achieve happiness. We could define happiness as simply…
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