You Can Achieve a Priceless Lifetime Exercise Habit

  PRIORITIES MATTER Today, there is a growing emphasis on looking good, feeling good, being well and living longer. None of these things can happen unless you get into better physical shape. Physical fitness is the key that opens the…
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5 Stages to Fitness Health Success…

Whenever you make major lifestyle changes, including adopting a new exercise or strength training program you’ll likely go through 5 stages before succeeding. Five Stages to Fitness Health: Pre-contemplation – As the title implies, at this stage, you are not…
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Strength Training for Proper Posture

The strength of our skeletal, muscular health is important. It is the framework that holds us up and allows us to move around. It is foundation of our posture. Without it, our body would fail with muscle, joint or bone…
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Preventing Chronic Disease…

Chronic diseases are incurable diseases that slowly and painfully steal the life out of someone as they continue their destruction, getting worse and worse throughout a person’s lifetime. It is definitely a modern day health holocaust that accounts for 70%…
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New Workout? Feeling the pain?

  Because muscles go through intensive physical stress when we exercise, any type of strenuous physical activity will likely cause some sort of muscle soreness afterward. Normally felt after a new activity as a dull, aching pain with tenderness and…
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Exercise is not an Option…

* Exercise is one of the few activities you can do that is empowered to improve every aspect of your life, body and mind. It can give strength to the weak, energy to the tired, health to the sick and…
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Belly-Fat is Dangerous to Your Health

Have you found yourself looking in the mirror focusing on the excess pouch you call your stomach and wondering how in the heck it got there? You are not alone. Unfortunately when most people gain weight their waistline is the…
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Reboot Your Immune System With Strength Training…

HOW EXERCISE HELPS TO PROTECT US Our bodies were created with activity in mind…vigorous activity, otherwise why would we have muscles to begin with? Muscles are not meant to be sedentary…they were created to be used and studies indicate that…
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Intense Work-Out With Slow Weight-Training…

With so many exercise and fitness options readily available these days, there really is no valid excuse (except for the rare few) not to be physically fit. Additionally, it’s no secret that resistance exercise or strength training of some sort…
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Muscles, Metabolism and Body Composition…

Without a doubt, “healthy is becoming the new skinny” and that means we must have a healthy body composition, i.e. a healthy muscle/fat ratio. Most gyms and fitness centers are equipped to measure your lean body weight (muscle tissue) versus…
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