Intense Work-Out With Slow Weight-Training…

With so many exercise and fitness options readily available these days, there really is no valid excuse (except for the rare few) not to be physically fit. Additionally, it’s no secret that resistance exercise or strength training of some sort…
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Muscles, Metabolism and Body Composition…

Without a doubt, “healthy is becoming the new skinny” and that means we must have a healthy body composition, i.e. a healthy muscle/fat ratio. Most gyms and fitness centers are equipped to measure your lean body weight (muscle tissue) versus…
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Use Your Body-Weight for Body Fitness…

Body-weight exercises are free, offer incredible benefits, can be performed nearly anywhere, offer variety and require little if any equipment. You can do them in your apartment, house, garage or at the park…whatever space you have. So, why don’t move…
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Workout Advice to Burn Fat and Build Lean Muscle…

Those serious about seeing both body weight management and health management know full well that it’s both diet and exercise that count. They go hand in hand towards creating the body of your dreams. If your diet is not giving…
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Fat-free Foods are Not Necessarily Favorable Foods…

Eating harmful foods is actually more detrimental to your health than just not eating the right ones because some foods are downright dangerous especially when consumed daily. Sadly, many people simply are not aware of how much harm some of…
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Lunges…Because They Work!

Lunges are the perfect exercise to whip your thighs, butt and even abs into shape. There are so many unique ways to perform lunges that they should be a part of everyone’s workout schedule. The danger when exercising is repetition.This…
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Compound Exercises are Key to Sporting Sexy “Gams”…

Who doesn’t love a great set of toned, shapely legs attached to a tight, firm butt? If that vision appeals to you and you are looking to create sexy, toned, shapely legs it will take patience, determination and consistency. It…
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Intensity, Form and Focus The Real Keys to Lean Strong Muscles

There are many factors that come into play in any effective and efficient strength training program but intensity may be the most important factor of all. Becoming leaner and stronger is not just about the exercises you do…but more importantly…
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Less is More with Minimalist Training…

If you’re like most people that begin a serious quest towards health and fitness you believe that “more is more.” The more you do the better off you will be and the quicker you will see the results you are…
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The Two Big-Bang Exercises

Strength training is getting more and more popular in all age groups and without a doubt, it’s the “big bang” exercises that you give you the best results. Two of these exercises that go beyond the norm with results when…
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