Your Omentum and Belly Fat

Most people have no idea that they have a physical organ in their belly that is responsible for storing fat. Measuring approximately 14 inches in length and 10 inches in width, this layer of fatty tissue is called the omentum.…
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6 Important Exercise Habits to Develop

Habits of a good exercise program. As you start doing your exercise program, there are certain habits you’ll want to build that will help ensure those workouts deliver the best possible results. Healthy Exercise Habits: Prioritize Form – The first…
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Suffering With Cellulite?

Concerned about cellulite? You’re not alone. Cellulite is believed to affect as many as 90% of women of all ages, but even men can suffer from it. So, what exactly is cellulite? Cellulite is fat – it is nothing more…
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Build Your Core Muscles for Strength, Stability and Balance

Our bodies once received enough physical activity simply through the act of survival. But times have changed. How many people do you know that currently sit at desk jobs all day? The computer is definitely expanding our mental awareness and…
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Helpful Tips to Stay Motivated to Workout

  How do you push yourself to the gym after that initial enthusiasm, that initial excitement, has worn off?  Nearly everyone has started a fitness program at some point in their life. Unfortunately, nearly everyone quits later on as well.…
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Align Your Mind Beliefs with Your Goals and Desires First…

The popular platitude “the same old thinking produces the same old results” is something we’ve all heard at one time or another but how many of us really paid attention and applied this principle in our lives? No one succeeds…
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Exercising for Solid Health and Fitness Gains

When you think of exercise do you view it as “more is more?” Do you believe if you hit the gym 6 days a week, giving 110 percent each time (even if it kills you) you’ll soon see the results…
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8 Tricks to Become an Early Morning Exerciser

You’ve heard before that people who work out first thing in the morning tend to be more successful at following a fitness program. Ever wonder why? Well, yes, a lot can be said for getting it done and getting on…
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Emotional Resilience

There’s been a shift recently towards a more holistic approach to attaining a fit “wellness” lifestyle by encompassing other aspects besides the physical components including dimensions such as mental, social, spiritual, and emotional.  Emotional resilience is one of the hottest…
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Your Health Savings Account

In our modern inactive sedentary world (with our increasing reliance on processed low quality food that promotes poor health and sickness) there has never been so much undeniable proof from science research to back up and support what most of…
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