Goji Berry Almond Delights
May 7, 2015
Awesome recipes, Healthy Raw Desserts and Treats, Super-foods
Goji berries are being recognized for the super food they are. Even people like Madonna sing its praises.
Goji berries are nothing new. They have been a staple in Tibet for nearly 2000 years.
The people of the Himalayas tap…
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Self-discipline Creates Strong, Healthy Minds and Bodies
April 29, 2015
Habit, Happiness, Life Success, Self-Discipline
“Habits begin like flimsy cobwebs at first and are strengthened day by day to become like unbreakable cables to shackle or strengthen our lives”.
For many, the word discipline is a dirty word. But, in reality, the opposite is true.…
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Raw Carrot Cake with Lemon Cashew Frosting
April 17, 2015
Healthy Raw Desserts and Treats
Carrots are usually recognized for their rich supply of beta-carotene, an antioxidant nutrient that was actually named for them.
However, these colorful root vegetables supply us with a wide variety of antioxidants and other nutrients that support our health besides…
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Water and Your Workout
April 6, 2015
Proper Exercise, Self-Care, Super-foods
Nearly two thirds of the human body is water so before beginning any challenging exercise program it is paramount to understand the role that this most precious nutrient plays during exercise.
Water is critical when working out because your body…
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Control Ghrelin for Permanent Weight-loss…
March 28, 2015
Habit, Hormones, Self-Discipline
Hormones are chemical messengers that give instructions to cells, tissues and organs. Whenever a message needs delivery to a body-part hormones are secreted into the bloodstream where they are transported to that specific hormone’s receptors.
After arriving at their destination…
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Chocolate Pudding Pie
March 22, 2015
Healthy Raw Desserts and Treats
Are you looking for new raw-food recipes that are gluten, sugar and white flour free?
Your whole family will love “Chocolate Pudding Pie”…pretty enough to serve to guests and easy as “pie” to make…literally!
It’s time to change your perception…
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Telomeres are Tell-tale Signs of Longevity…
March 17, 2015
Anti Aging Exercise, Life Success, Self-Care
Believe it or not, we are now empowered to influence the aging process. The fountain-of-youth that once seemed so elusive is literally revealing itself to our understanding as researchers and scientists probe the workings of our DNA.
Thanks to science…
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Testosterone, the Essence of Maleness
March 14, 2015
Disease Prevention, Happiness, Proper Exercise, Youthfulness
Just like females, as men age, they have to deal with their own set of physical changes that are unique to them alone. Many of these are a direct result of a decrease in the male hormone testosterone.
Testosterone is…
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Making the Most of Muscle
March 11, 2015
Anti Aging Exercise, Disease Prevention, Metabolism, Self-Care
Reversing the aging process and winding the biological clock back is a process that appeals to everyone and the anti-aging business is healthier than ever as more and more people jump on the newest potion, lotion, injection, therapy, supplement, pill…
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Understanding Strength Training Terminology
March 4, 2015
Proper Exercise, Weight Loss
If you hope to experience and maintain any lasting effective results from exercising then what you are doing must challenge the body over and beyond what it is presently experiencing doing everyday tasks and activities.
In truth, when we exercise,…
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