Healthy Balanced Meals for a Healthy Balanced Body
August 14, 2015
Disease Prevention, Healthy Balanced Eating, Wellness
Without a doubt, most of us have allowed ourselves to fall deep into the trap of becoming accustomed to prepackaged foods, fast foods and restaurant foods…all highly concentrated and calorie-dense choices.
Refined foods pack a punch of calories in a…
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Strength Training and Seniors
August 5, 2015
Anti Aging Exercise, Metabolism, Proper Exercise, Youthfulness
Strength training is good for everyone…especially seniors.
Wisdom is the reward that seniors enjoy. The experiences of life have tempered them and wisdom is the result.
That’s a good thing.
But aging also presents numerous health and fitness challenges and…
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Delicious Goji Bars
August 1, 2015
Super-foods, Wellness
There’s an “old” berry making a new appearance and getting lots of attention.
Goji berries are small but powerful super berries gaining favor in Western countries after catching the attention of health enthusiasts.
These little but powerful super berries are…
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Exercise Your Body to Increase Your Long-term Memory
July 25, 2015
Anti Aging Exercise, Depression, Happiness, Mind Power, Self-Care
It seems that regular consistent physical exercise increases the volume of regions of the brain that are important for thinking and memory.
A study published in Neurology showed that adults in their seventies that exercised the most experienced the least…
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Dates are the perfect replacement for Sugar in Nut Free Caramel Sandwich Bites
July 14, 2015
Awesome recipes, Healthy Raw Desserts and Treats
Dates are considered a super-food because of their potential to protect against free radical damage.
They are rich with vitamins and minerals, provide a nice boost in energy (they are the perfect snack if you need a quick pick-me-up) as…
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Yummy Cashew Cream
July 8, 2015
Awesome recipes, Healthy Raw Desserts and Treats
If you love to add that last dollop of rich cream to your homemade pies and cakes before serving…if you love to serve fresh berries with cream on top or cereals with a dollop of cream but hate to deal…
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Hypertension and Heart Health
July 5, 2015
Disease Prevention, Healthy Balanced Eating, Proper Exercise
Cardiovascular conditions and disease like heart disease, arteriosclerosis, congestive heart failure, heart attack and stroke are all grievous, possibly life-threatening diseases that are likely the result of years of unhealthy eating combined with sedentary lifestyles.
Hypertension, or what is more…
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Blackberry Green Smoothie Goodness…
June 14, 2015
Anti Aging Exercise, Super-foods
You’d have to be fairly isolated in the world these days not to have heard something about the health benefits that drinking green smoothies offer.
What exactly is a green smoothie? A green smoothie is a healthy mix of green…
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Get Your Beauty Sleep and Lose that Excess Weight…
May 28, 2015
Depression, Habit, Hormones, Metabolism, Motivation to Exercise, Sedentary Lifestyles, Wellness
Sleep, it does a body well.
Insomnia, on the other hand, breeds cranky moods and confusion and causes the many balanced and working mechanisms in the body to go wonky.
It’s no big secret that people who do not sleep…
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Flexibility and Long-term Thinking are Key to Healthy Eating Habits
May 12, 2015
Habit, Healthy Balanced Eating, Self-Care, Wellness
Long term thinking paired with a “flexible” mindset is the key to dieting success.
Most of us have been trained under the idea that in order to get healthy, we must be under some sort of restrictive dieting or eating…
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