If You Want A Disease Free Life You Are The One That Must Take Action

*Over the past fifty years we have believed that the responsibility for our health was chiefly the domain of the medical establishment. Those days have long gone. For starters no one can afford the hefty price tag of all inclusive…
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How Much Value Do You Place On Your Health And Ultimately Your Life?

We have been designed for a lifestyle we no longer maintain. Most of us are not required to anything of a physical nature anymore or exert ourselves in any way. Although we live in a fast paced world dominated by…
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Do You Know What Wellness Means?

You hear a lot these days about wellness and some of us may wonder what exactly this term means.  What constitutes wellness anyway? Is there a difference between health and wellness, or are they complementary terms?  After all if I’m…
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Are You Doing What You Need To Do To Stay Healthy?

It is time every single person on this planet starts dealing with an epidemic that is contributing to crippling preventable disease and premature death of the people of our world. Each one of us could make a difference and reduce…
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Are You Disease Proofing Your Body?

Is it any wonder two thirds of us are overweight to some degree or another, a large percentage of us have either poor physical, mental or emotional health (or all three) and one out of two of us have a…
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Keep Your Hormonal Army Working For You

As more is discovered about the chemical messengers called hormones that carry instructions to all of our body’s cells, tissues and systems we are beginning to understand their importance to our health and wellness. Hormonal health has become big business…
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A Growing Health Problem – a Silent Epidemic Called Metabolic Syndrome

A new kid on the block called Metabolic Syndrome is on the rise, especially among adults that have gained fat around their midsections and are much less physically active compared to their teen years. About two thirds of us are…
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