Your Body Requires Good Fats and So Does Your Brain…

Fat is back…literally. The once demonized word “fat” is taking on new perceptions and the low-fat craze that dominated for years has come to an end along with eliminating the many healthy fats that nature provides us. The new dietary…
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Maintaining Healthy Mitochondria…

Inside each cell within your body is a tiny structure known as mitochondria meaning “little bean.” Some cells contain thousands while other cells have none. The main function of this “little bean” is to metabolize or break down carbohydrates and…
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Simple Tips to Help You Remove Excess Weight/Fat…

Looking to trim down and take off excess fat? Here’s a few tips to help you out: Protein rich foods: Without a doubt, protein is the one type of food that you should be eating more of in your fat…
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Are You Paralyzed on Information Overload?

Information overload: When you are trying to process too much information on any given topic in order to make sensible decisions. Many people when they wake to the truth that everything they do and say contributes to how their lives…
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Run Your Body Like a Business…

In the same way as CEOs act in the interests of their companies, it is our responsibility to care for our body and our health. Truth be known, we are the proud owners of a family business that we have…
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Exercise is not an Option…

* Exercise is one of the few activities you can do that is empowered to improve every aspect of your life, body and mind. It can give strength to the weak, energy to the tired, health to the sick and…
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Eat to Keep Your Body in Fat Burning Mode

Whenever you eat a meal, a complicated series of chemical reactions takes place that converts the food you eat into energy your body can use. Some of these reactions cause your body to store fat and others cause it to…
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Momentum is the Reward for Taking Action

ACTION IS KEY Physical fitness like everything else doesn’t just happen. It is the result of actions taken. And, there is the biggest clue to succeeding with your fitness goals. Action. You can think about your fitness goals, you can…
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Rest and Recovery is Balance to Active Exercise…

ACHIEVING BALANCE With so much emphasis on the type of exercises we should be performing and how often, it’s way too easy to overlook or not assign enough importance to the role that rest plays towards achieving and maintaining our…
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Boost Your Immune System with Positive Thinking

High on the list of important components to your health is your mind-body connection. There is a strong body of evidence that positive attitudes such as those expressing gratitude and optimism strengthen the immune system helping us fight off disease…
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