Add 7 Years to Your Life With Proper Exercise

By |2020-01-09T16:25:36+00:00January 9th, 2020|Anti Aging Exercise, Disease Prevention, Habit, Happiness, Hormones, Proper Exercise|

If you think you can’t afford the time to hit the gym because of demanding work, personal activities, and appointments filling your busy schedule, it’s time to rethink. Whether you live for your work or work for a living, managing your health and fitness is critical and can make or break your success. The [...]

Stop Those Food Cravings

By |2019-11-19T14:42:17+00:00November 19th, 2019|Disease Prevention, Habit, Healthy Balanced Eating, Hormones, Metabolism, Mind Power, Self-Care, Self-Discipline, Stress|

Every one of us has experienced, from time to time, a sudden urge for a certain food or drink. Sometimes these urges become an intense craving, destroying the best laid eating plans. Food cravings are insistent and usually an uncontrollable desire for a certain type of food that people will go to any length [...]

The Dangers of Crash Dieting

By |2019-04-09T15:19:37+00:00April 9th, 2019|Disease Prevention, Healthy Balanced Eating, Hormones, Metabolism|

Every day of your life your body requires a combination of many nutrients in order to function properly and stay alive. These nutrients include the main macro-nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, and dietary fats. They also include micro-nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. If you have been duped into adopting a low calorie crash diet thinking [...]

Your Body’s Internal Clock…

By |2019-02-12T16:58:49+00:00February 12th, 2019|Disease Prevention, Habit, Healthy Balanced Eating, Hormones, Mind Power, Self-Discipline|

Humans, along with most organisms follow circadian rhythms during a 24 hour day. Circadian rhythms can be defined as an organism's internal biological clock. Most living organisms have this biological clock. It penetrates and influences every aspect of life. Many vital functions including blood pressure and heart rate, body temperature, urine production and hormone [...]

Strong Fit Muscles and Your Immune System

By |2019-01-24T14:50:06+00:00January 24th, 2019|Anti Aging Exercise, Depression, Disease Prevention, Hormones, Proper Exercise, Self-Discipline|

Good health is way more than battling the scale – we need good quality muscle mass. It’s in our genetic blueprint – our bodies cannot stay healthy without consistent vigorous exercise and that means strong lean muscles. Movement is what triggers a chemical reaction that tells every single cell in our tissues, organs and [...]

You Can Kick Weight-loss Resistance

By |2019-01-16T02:37:33+00:00January 16th, 2019|Habit, Healthy Balanced Eating, Hormones, Weight Loss|

Frustrated with dieting and seem to be stuck at a weight plateau you can’t get past? The sad reality is, if you’ve been on repeated diets, you’ve likely done a very good job of teaching your body how to store and hold on to fat. The body is a survival machine. It doesn’t take [...]

Dangerously Declining Testosterone Levels

By |2018-12-19T01:00:27+00:00December 19th, 2018|Anti Aging Exercise, Depression, Disease Prevention, Habit, Happiness, Healthy Balanced Eating, Hormones, Proper Exercise, Weight Loss|

Testosterone is one of many hormones produced by the human body. It is the main male sex hormone and men produce much higher levels of it than women do. Estrogen is the sex hormone that is prevalent in women. Both sexes produce both hormones, but men produce more testosterone while women produce more estrogen. [...]

Resistance Training Fights off Aging

By |2021-01-28T12:59:42+00:00October 2nd, 2018|Anti Aging Exercise, Habit, Hormones, Metabolism, Proper Exercise|

It's pretty much common knowledge these days that a healthy body requires healthy habits. That means the right type of exercise supported by the right type of a nutrient-dense diet. The critical component that is often overlooked in the quest for a healthy and youthful appearance is strength training exercise. Strength training or resistance [...]

Successful Dieting Takes Planning and a Little Bit of Cheating…

By |2017-10-09T15:57:39+00:00February 25th, 2017|Habit, Healthy Balanced Eating, Hormones, Self-Discipline|

Yep, dieting success requires planning and along with planning...a little “cheating” too. Although our perception of “cheating” in anything is negative…when it comes to dieting success cheating can actually play a positive role.   CHEAT DAY How can “cheating,” especially on a diet be considered something positive? By adding a simple, fun and mood boosting [...]

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