“An Inclusive Eating Approach to Nutrition: Emphasizing Addition Over Restriction”

The fitness industry is swamped with diet plans that promise things that even the genie from Aladdin’s lamp couldn’t grant. Even worse, every single one focuses on a restriction and rules that peg you into a camp of people that…
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Choosing Cancer-Fighting Foods for a Healthier Lifestyle

Rarely a day goes by without us hearing the word dreaded word cancer. It automatically evokes a variety of emotions including—fear, anxiety, and empathy. Along with all the thoughts, all the emotion, all the underlying fear, how often do we…
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Harness the Strength of Mind and Body Using Positive Affirmations

In the pursuit of personal growth and self-improvement, the transforemative power of affirmations as a tool/technique to strengthen both our mental and physical resilience cannot be overlooked. Affirmations are a powerful and versatile practice with the potential to profoundly impact…
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Leptin: The Hormone Behind Hunger and Weight Regulation

A recent survey showed that many people believe they are living a healthy lifestyle even though two thirds of us are overweight and one third of those obese. Most people believed it was a lack of exercise that contributed the…
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Peppermint Green Power Slice

Vegetables are nutrient powerhouses bursting with color and flavor. They provide our bodies with important vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and fiber, all essential nutrients to creating healthy, balanced diets, so it makes sense to include them in our diets in…
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Enjoy Your Daily Health Shake

Who doesn’t want to live a long, healthy, vital life? One that we’re an active participant and not sitting on the sidelines? What’s the use of having our “senior years” if we can’t enjoy them? Living is about the quality…
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Are You Building Your “Defensive Army” or Tearing it Down?

For optimal health and wellness it’s ultimately important that we are including foods that are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances such as vitamins that help to prevent free-radical damage to the body by neutralizing the oxidation process and reducing…
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Are You At Risk for Cancer?

Most cancers can be prevented. When a person has cancer it usually indicates that there are nutritional deficiencies at work. These could be due to environmental, food, genetic and even lifestyle factors. Most people don’t realize it but everyone has…
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Rid Yourself of Ugly Belly Fat

Sadly the focus of our society is on getting skinny and losing weight. We jump for joy when we see the latest diet hit the shelves. These diets; however, are very dangerous. The majority of these fad diets focus on…
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Key Behaviors for Permanent Weight-Loss

When it comes to being healthy, losing weight and slimming down where should your focus be? Exercise or diet? Both. Weight loss is achieved by burning more calories than you take in or consuming fewer than you burn. Permanent weight…
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