The Power of the Humble Squat

By |2022-01-18T00:36:51+00:00January 18th, 2022|Build Your Core, Disease Prevention, Habit, Proper Exercise, Sedentary Lifestyles|

We now know, without doubt, that sitting for prolonged periods of time is devastating to our health and longevity. Our sedentary lifestyles are taking a toll and many people can no longer perform basic, functional, natural movements without suffering pain or inviting illness. Believe it or not, the natural resting position of a person [...]

A Sedentary Lifestyle Promotes Accelerated Aging

By |2021-12-27T22:54:54+00:00December 27th, 2021|Anti Aging Exercise, Depression, Disease Prevention, Habit, Proper Exercise, Sedentary Lifestyles, Youthfulness|

You only need to take a look around you to see that most everyone in so-called civilized nations are actually pursuing an “accelerated aging program”; one that leaves us feeling old and exhausted long before our time. Consuming a diet of primarily junk foods and fast foods and leading a sedentary lifestyle are the primary culprits. [...]

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