Eating Well Empowers You…

By |2019-06-29T13:58:22+00:00June 29th, 2019|Disease Prevention, Foods that Build Lean Muscle, Habit, Healthy Balanced Eating, Self-Care, Self-Discipline, Super-foods|

The nutritional value of the foods you eat determine the composition of your cells, blood, bone marrow and hormones. Everything consumed becomes a building block of your body, meaning all the foods you eat are reflected directly in both your internal health and external appearance. Unfortunately, most people are walking around overweight, bloated, inflamed [...]

Time to Stop Child-Hood Obesity…

By |2023-04-22T01:02:25+00:00May 12th, 2019|Disease Prevention, Healthy Balanced Eating, Sedentary Lifestyles|

Obesity and overweight conditions in children has grown considerably and become a serious health problem. In fact, childhood obesity has doubled in children and quadrupled in young adults in the past 30 years alone. Unfortunately, although obesity is easy to recognize, it is difficult to treat and frequently becomes a lifelong problem. The reality [...]

The Dangers of Crash Dieting

By |2019-04-09T15:19:37+00:00April 9th, 2019|Disease Prevention, Healthy Balanced Eating, Hormones, Metabolism|

Every day of your life your body requires a combination of many nutrients in order to function properly and stay alive. These nutrients include the main macro-nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, and dietary fats. They also include micro-nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. If you have been duped into adopting a low calorie crash diet thinking [...]

Building Strength Inside and Out

By |2019-03-31T16:16:09+00:00March 31st, 2019|Anti Aging Exercise, Depression, Disease Prevention, Habit, Happiness, Proper Exercise, Stress|

Our modern-day lives are indeed busy. Technology continues to speed up our world and demands on our time and expectations are rising with it. In such a fast-paced environment, our own self-care is more important than ever and vital to our survival. Our thought processes are ultimately important to how our lives play out. [...]

The Dead Lift is still King of Exercises

By |2019-03-06T10:45:26+00:00March 6th, 2019|Anti Aging Exercise, Build Your Core, Disease Prevention, Metabolism, Proper Exercise|

In the late 1800’s a newspaper advertisement promoted a simple exercise machine called the Health Lift which claimed to be the only physical exercise a person needed to boost health, strength and fitness – instantly. Today that particular exercise has another name, the dead lift and it's still considered the “king” of all exercises [...]

What does “healthy eating” really mean?

By |2019-02-20T23:27:04+00:00February 20th, 2019|Disease Prevention, Healthy Balanced Eating, Self-Discipline, Super-foods|

Maintaining a fit body through active physical fitness along with healthy eating is the key to enjoying a long healthy, vital life. Unfortunately healthy eating means different things to different people. For some healthy eating means gluten free. For others it’s low-calorie or low-fat. For others, its all three or something entirely different. Although [...]

Your Body’s Internal Clock…

By |2019-02-12T16:58:49+00:00February 12th, 2019|Disease Prevention, Habit, Healthy Balanced Eating, Hormones, Mind Power, Self-Discipline|

Humans, along with most organisms follow circadian rhythms during a 24 hour day. Circadian rhythms can be defined as an organism's internal biological clock. Most living organisms have this biological clock. It penetrates and influences every aspect of life. Many vital functions including blood pressure and heart rate, body temperature, urine production and hormone [...]

Fasting is Good for You

By |2019-02-02T23:06:22+00:00February 2nd, 2019|Disease Prevention, Habit, Self-Care, Self-Discipline, Weight Loss, Youthfulness|

There is a new approach to eating that is taking the fitness world by storm. This new approach to eating has nothing at all to do with fasting or starvation. And, its not just about skipping a meal.  What it is about is spending as much time as possible in a fasted state, a [...]

Strong Fit Muscles and Your Immune System

By |2019-01-24T14:50:06+00:00January 24th, 2019|Anti Aging Exercise, Depression, Disease Prevention, Hormones, Proper Exercise, Self-Discipline|

Good health is way more than battling the scale – we need good quality muscle mass. It’s in our genetic blueprint – our bodies cannot stay healthy without consistent vigorous exercise and that means strong lean muscles. Movement is what triggers a chemical reaction that tells every single cell in our tissues, organs and [...]

You Can Fit Exercise Into Your Schedule

By |2019-01-03T15:05:43+00:00December 25th, 2018|Anti Aging Exercise, Disease Prevention, Habit, Weight Loss|

Exercise along with good nutrition are vital components when it comes to improving your overall well-being. However, time is a hot commodity for most and finding time to exercise when confronted with our daily modern schedules can be challenging at best. Fortunately, there are a few tricks you can employ that will make the [...]

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