Use Visualization to Aid Healing

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We cannot experience positive results in our life without first having produced positive thoughts because thought precedes the experience.

Our bodies do indeed react to our thoughts.

Research has revealed that the mind and the immune system are intimately connected through complex neuro-chemical processes.  It is our thoughts creating our world and  that includes the status and health of our immunity.

Whatever we believe our body follows.

When it comes to developing positive images/thoughts about anything in life, including the state of our health, the key is creative visualization. It is our most powerful tool because thoughts have the power to change emotions positively or negatively which in turn have physical effects on the body.

Thoughts that dwell in negative emotions and feelings lower our immunity while positive thoughts and feelings align us with the power of our authentic self…and boost our immune system.

Image picturing is the art of picturing ourselves the way we wish ourselves to be and feeling it in the moment.

The Power of Visualization –

Anyone can learn to visualize effectively. It’s best to set aside some quiet time and treat it as an exercise…especially if we are actively trying to shift something in our lives such as the status of our health.

Before beginning, we need to get mentally relaxed and make sure we are breathing deeply as this fills our cells with life giving breath of life.

If we are trying to heal an illness we would use creative imagery to:

Speak loud and clear what it is we intend to do (our intention)

Close our eyes and allow our mind to rest…put as many of busy thoughts to sleep as possible

Visualize our cells actively healing our body…see them at work in our mind (if it helps, we can create a little scene with our “power immune system” attacking and healing the distorted cells). Out-picture the immune system as a “super hero” fighting off invaders of all kinds.

See and feel ourselves complete, whole, happy and healthy…NOW not in some imagined future. Feeling is the key here because “feeling” always happens in the moment. We must “feel” ourselves in this healed stated. We must “see” our perfect body.

Give way to trust and allow our immune system to work its magic.

Repeating this exercise as often as we can…for as many weeks as it takes to convince our subconscious of the truth is key to making it happen. Once we have aligned our subconscious programming with the healthy picture we created – that picture is the one flowing forth.

Once our subconscious is on board healing is automatic.

Then comes the most important part of all…going forward through our day as though we have now been healed.  Living as a healed person and not one who is experiencing illness is the most powerful and effective healing tool there is.

Action happens in the moment where life takes place and the moment is the only realm we can shift energy to “heal” our body of whatever disease or condition we may be experiencing.

Our bodies and minds operate through the same system…they work as a unit not separate. So, whatever we are painting on the inner vision screen is showing up in our life.

Although science cannot fully explain it, the truth is there are documented cases of people healing themselves using the power of visualization so never give up! Just keep clarifying that “healed body image.” 

“Healthy Self Healing”can help you do just that.

For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your health and fitness goals and achieving the success you desire in life, please visit:

Carolyn Hansen Fitness

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