Health and Happiness are Related…

How important is it to be happy? What role does happiness play in our lives? Let’s begin with a simple smile. How often has a genuine smile from someone else been empowered to shift your mood? It’s hard to stay…
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You Can Combat the Aging Process

Have you honored your body today? You only get one you know. If you don’t honor it and keep it as healthy as possible, it will start to break down and show first subtle, and then serious signs of aging.…
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Self-Reflection – A Powerful Personal Growth Tool

Doing regular guided self-reflections is a crucial part of boosting your mindset and turning a negative one into a more positive one and achieving greater success in life. Self-reflecting helps you to center your mind and reduce stress. You instantly…
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Accentuate the Positive When Trying to Lose Weight…

Are you caught in the repetitive “yo-yo syndrome” of crash dieting?  Do you continually adopt new kinds of “miracle, quick fix” diets only to find yourself back where you began? If you want to see long-term success with your diet…
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Are You Creating a Fat Storing Machine?

Seem to be stuck at a weight plateau you can’t get past? Frustrated with dieting? You’re not alone. The body is a survival machine. It doesn’t take dieting “starvation” lightly. The body only cares about one thing – it is…
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Exercise Helps You Fall Into Deep Restful Sleep

Most people are aware that eating proper foods and performing challenging exercise are the two primary keys to boosting energy and living longer, healthier, more productive lives. What many people are not aware of is the role that sleep plays…
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Health and Hydration

Just walk into any store these days and go into the “home-wares” department – you will find multiple choices for “water transport.” It’s a hot topic for a reason. More and more people have become aware of how important it…
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Chronic Inflammation is a Serious Health Issue

Many people are unaware that chronic inflammation is the primary source of most diseases. Obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer are all caused by chronic inflammation, and that’s just the short list. What does this reveal? Chronic inflammation is the…
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Your Exercise Program is Your Best Medicine…

Do you struggle to get motivated to exercise? Does it seem that no matter what approach you take, you end up quitting long before you reach your goals? Although it may seem like the problem you are experiencing has to…
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Wellness is More Than Just the “Absence of Disease”

There’s a revolution in the air. Something powerful enough to change the path that mankind is taking. We are currently waking up to the fact that health is not just the “absence of disease” and our current health care system…
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