The Body Listens to the Mind…

We are at an incredible time in the history of mankind as more and more scientists join the expanding field, science and study of human consciousness. Closed minded, rigid concepts and cultures are being challenged and thrown out opening the…
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Target Your S.M.A.R.T. Goals

All of us entertain different dreams and visions about our lives and what we want to accomplish with them. Our smaller visions are easy for us to grasp and realise. However our bigger dreams often cause intimidation and we end…
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Black an White Thinking Is Detrimental

We are, without doubt, an incredibly powerful species, granted the powers of creation. Unfortunately, many have not taken advantage of their creative gifts because of the demands of the mind – their self-sabotaging mind conditioning and negative thinking getting in…
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Health and Fitness – The Dynamic Team

Scientific studies and medical research continue to reveal that our personal health and fitness are intimately related. Why is this medical fact important enough to take seriously? Because if we allow our fitness level to “slip” our health eventually follows…
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Use Visualization to Aid Healing

We cannot experience positive results in our life without first having produced positive thoughts because thought precedes the experience. Our bodies do indeed react to our thoughts. Research has revealed that the mind and the immune system are intimately connected…
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Covid Wake-Up Call Savvy

Coronavirus is a wake-up call. You could argue we need them. That is because our war with the environment is increasingly predisposing us to calamities of our own making. The current pandemic sweeping across the globe is unlikely to be…
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Prevent Disease Before It Starts…

Disease or organ failure through accident or injury may be empowered to claim life, but never aging – nothing dies from simply being old. Celebrating birthdays should never be perceived as a punishment – something that drains the life out…
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Practice the 80-20 Rule When it Comes to Eating Habits…

It seems the Internet is serving to educate people about the importance of what they put into their bodies in regards to the foods they eat. This education is bringing about a new healthy trend – “clean eating.” Clean eating…
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Scrap Counting Calories and Look to Nutrients Instead…

It truly amazing that many people continue to struggle with their body weight when, in reality, they do not have to.  These disillusioned people continue to turn to fancy and elaborate diets designed to help them lose fat. Unfortunately, they…
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The Dangers of Chronic Inflammation…

These days, we are faced with constant threats from our environment that our immune systems must be on red alert for.  As industrialization took hold, we faced new threats to our immune health such as: smoking outdoor and indoor air…
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