Can You Afford To Not Exercise?

When we have a family to care for, a career, and a busy life we pay a lot of attention to our assets, our financial goals and deadlines to achieve success and we can easily forget that our most important…
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Are The Children Of Tomorrow Going To Thank Us?

We may wonder why more people do not participate in a proper exercise program especially when it could mean the difference between good health and wellness and illness and disease. Everyone wants to kick back and relax, but too much…
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Technology – A Blessing Or A Curse To Our Health?

Less than 100 years ago a hard working man would spend his day sweating behind a horse and plow. If he wanted to go to the village he would cycle and in the evenings he would do home repairs.  His…
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There Is A New Revolution On It’s Way Called Wellness

We are on the cusp of a revolution, something so powerful that it will change the path that mankind is taking. This groundswell of change is coming about because we are waking up to the fact that health means more…
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Our Sedentary World Is the Biggest Threat We Will Ever Have To Face

We have an enemy in our world that is steadily picking off its victims at an alarming rate and nobody really seems that concerned about it. Yet a single act of terrorism has the world in a tail spin for…
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Join the New Revolution in Wellness

When someone asks how you are and you say “I’m fine” or “doing well” or “great”, what do you mean? Do you say that because you are not sick and because you are not sick are you really well? What…
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How Much Value Do You Place On Your Health And Ultimately Your Life?

We have been designed for a lifestyle we no longer maintain. Most of us are not required to anything of a physical nature anymore or exert ourselves in any way. Although we live in a fast paced world dominated by…
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Do You Know What Wellness Means?

You hear a lot these days about wellness and some of us may wonder what exactly this term means.  What constitutes wellness anyway? Is there a difference between health and wellness, or are they complementary terms?  After all if I’m…
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Are You Disease Proofing Your Body?

Is it any wonder two thirds of us are overweight to some degree or another, a large percentage of us have either poor physical, mental or emotional health (or all three) and one out of two of us have a…
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