Strength Training is NOT Optional

The weakness and loss of energy we associate with getting older, such as difficulty walking distances, climbing stairs, or carrying groceries, are largely due to muscle tissue loss. This muscle loss, for the most part, is from living an inactive…
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A Full Body Workout that Works!

Are you tired of thinking about which body parts need exercise today, or how often the exercises you’ve adopted for particular muscles and limbs need rotating to stay effective? Are you looking for a full body workout that does exactly…
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The Driving Factor Behind Fitness Success –

It’s great that we focus on the best eating plan and exercise program that works for us in order to achieve great results in the shortest amount of time. However, there is one thing that comes into play before any…
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Muscles and Metabolism…

Many people are confused about our metabolism (our body’s engine) and have little idea of how to keep it in good running condition. What do you think has the biggest impact on it? Age? Activity levels? Thyroid function? Wrong, wrong…
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Lifestyle choices…Not Chance Determine Our Destiny

Equipped with a high-powered immune system and intracellular anti-oxidant defense system, the body is truly a disease killing machine when operating at peak performance. Unfortunately for most people it isn’t. Rather than teaching people how to cure disease (so much…
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Rid Yourself of Ugly Belly Fat

Sadly the focus of our society is on getting skinny and losing weight. We jump for joy when we see the latest diet hit the shelves. These diets; however, are very dangerous. The majority of these fad diets focus on…
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Courage is a Positive Character Trait

To be authentic, to express and live as the person we truly are in our heart, takes courage. Courage is not a trait given to a few select or random individuals at birth while denying others. Courage is a character…
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Strength Training Helps Eliminate Emotional Stress

Our modern-day lives are indeed busy. Technology continues to speed up our world, placing excessive demands on our time, causing personal expectations to rise. This undue stress ends up plagueing us with health damaging, negative emotions as it weaves its…
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Epigenetics and the Science of Longevity

In the past decade, science broke through many previous taboos in understanding and deciphering molecular, cellular and genetic aging. The new science of longevity was born – Longevity is not a new topic. It has been an area of interest…
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Make Exercise a Priority Habit

You have finally taken the leap and joined the gym or maybe you have adopted a new exercise routine that you know will help you get you back into shape. You should congratulate yourself. You have now accomplished the hardest…
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