Muscles, Metabolism and Body Composition…

Without a doubt, “healthy is becoming the new skinny” and that means we must have a healthy body composition, i.e. a healthy muscle/fat ratio. Most gyms and fitness centers are equipped to measure your lean body weight (muscle tissue) versus…
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Fuel Your Body With Proper Fuel…

Your future really boils down to how you treat your body now. Treat your body right now and you’ll ease onto your senior years with dignity and grace. Treat it badly and you’ll be lucky to stumble in or roll…
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Diet Success Follows a Healthy Mindset…

Before starting and succeeding with any diet plan, you must have the right mindset in place. Your mind is a powerful dictator over what you do so if it’s primed to set you up for failure you can only imagine…
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Lunges…Because They Work!

Lunges are the perfect exercise to whip your thighs, butt and even abs into shape. There are so many unique ways to perform lunges that they should be a part of everyone’s workout schedule. The danger when exercising is repetition.This…
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Intensity, Form and Focus The Real Keys to Lean Strong Muscles

There are many factors that come into play in any effective and efficient strength training program but intensity may be the most important factor of all. Becoming leaner and stronger is not just about the exercises you do…but more importantly…
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Exercise Your Body to Increase Your Long-term Memory

It seems that regular consistent physical exercise increases the volume of regions of the brain that are important for thinking and memory. A study published in Neurology showed that adults in their seventies that exercised the most experienced the least…
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Flexibility and Long-term Thinking are Key to Healthy Eating Habits

Long term thinking paired with a “flexible” mindset is the key to dieting success. Most of us have been trained under the idea that in order to get healthy, we must be under some sort of restrictive dieting or eating…
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Water and Your Workout

Nearly two thirds of the human body is water so before beginning any challenging exercise program it is paramount to understand the role that this most precious nutrient plays during exercise. Water is critical when working out because your body…
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Telomeres are Tell-tale Signs of Longevity…

Believe it or not, we are now empowered to influence the aging process. The fountain-of-youth that once seemed so elusive is literally revealing itself to our understanding as researchers and scientists probe the workings of our DNA. Thanks to science…
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Making the Most of Muscle

Reversing the aging process and winding the biological clock back is a process that appeals to everyone and the anti-aging business is healthier than ever as more and more people jump on the newest potion, lotion, injection, therapy, supplement, pill…
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