Key Behaviors for Permanent Weight-Loss

When it comes to being healthy, losing weight and slimming down where should your focus be? Exercise or diet? Both. Weight loss is achieved by burning more calories than you take in or consuming fewer than you burn. Permanent weight…
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Lack of Sunlight and Vitamin Deficiency

Sometimes in life we swing the pendulum wildly from one course of action to the other. Such is the case with our relationship with the sun. For many, the sun has become the bad guy. They’ve been told their whole…
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Courage is a Positive Character Trait

To be authentic, to express and live as the person we truly are in our heart, takes courage. Courage is not a trait given to a few select or random individuals at birth while denying others. Courage is a character…
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Natural and Organic are Not Interchangable Terms

Is organic food safer or more nutritious? Organic can be defined as the way farmers grow and process agricultural products like fruits, veggies, grains, dairy products and meat. Organic farmers practice agriculture that is designed to further soil and water…
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Strength Training Helps Eliminate Emotional Stress

Our modern-day lives are indeed busy. Technology continues to speed up our world, placing excessive demands on our time, causing personal expectations to rise. This undue stress ends up plagueing us with health damaging, negative emotions as it weaves its…
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HFCS – An Extremely Bad Sugar

There are two man-made ‘so called’ foods that confuse and throw our natural appetite regulation system ‘out of whack’. The biggest villain of them all and one that most of us have heard about is “trans-fat”. The other villain is…
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Epigenetics and the Science of Longevity

In the past decade, science broke through many previous taboos in understanding and deciphering molecular, cellular and genetic aging. The new science of longevity was born – Longevity is not a new topic. It has been an area of interest…
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Snacking Does Not Have to be Unhealthy…

Intermittent fasting is a recent health trend. It helps many people to lose and sustain weight loss, improves metabolic health and some claim it adds years to our lives. And it is easier than most think because our sleeping hours…
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Make Exercise a Priority Habit

You have finally taken the leap and joined the gym or maybe you have adopted a new exercise routine that you know will help you get you back into shape. You should congratulate yourself. You have now accomplished the hardest…
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Connecting To Our Core Values

Self-esteem is a standard of measurement or value judgment defining how we feel about ourselves and our self worth. It is ultimately an emotional evaluation and most often based on how we stand up to and compare ourselves to others.…
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