Want More Happiness? Try This…

Want More Happiness? Try This… Happiness is almost a world-wide obsession these days. The self-help shelves of bookstores and online websites are laden with offerings that promise to help you find or achieve happiness. We could define happiness as simply…
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Your Own Best Friend: Get On Your Own Side

Becoming your own Best Friend is one of the best gifts you can give yourself… and makes life so much easier yet we can spend a lifetime taking care of others, throwing ourselves into their needs, happiness and their well-being.…
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Practice Self-Care: Taking Charge Of Your Health And Wellbeing

Anti-aging is a hot topic, and for good reason. Increasing scientific knowledge reveals that an anti-aging lifestyle keeps our bodies and our minds young much longer than has traditionally been thought. Because of this, more and more people of all…
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Healthy Body, Healthy Mind: The Connection Between Fitness And Self-Improvement

For personal development, we often use things like books, videos, articles, courses, and mentorships. While those are all great, there’s another powerful tool that can do wonders for your self-improvement:Exercise. The truth is regular exercise can boost the results of…
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Today I Choose Joy

Where does your inner compass lead you? Does it point to struggle, doubt, sadness, low energy, along with poor health with only sporadic spurts of happiness and clinging to hope? Or does it point to ease, health, wealth and a…
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Desire Great Success? Demand Great Effort from Yourself

You know you are capable of great things. You know that under the right circumstances you could go far. You believe in yourself and what you can accomplish. You may have a picture of yourself in your mind’s eye: a…
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Transform Your Eating Habits: Focus on Adding Nutrients Instead of Subtracting Foods

A Healthy Diet When it comes to trying to eat a healthier diet, many of us focus on subtracting the “bad” foods from our diet. We cut out sugar, fat, gluten, grains and processed foods, thinking that this will automatically…
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Create Healthier Eating Habits by Adding, Not Subtracting

Dieters and health-seekers talk freely about food elimination diets. They report leaving grains, or dairy, or meats out of their diets. Then, they debate which foods should be removed from your menu. But have you ever considered a food addition…
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Be Your Own Best Friend

How is it that we can be a good friend to everyone but ourselves? If you can be solid as a rock for others, then of course you can be that for yourself too. In fact, you must be. Sometimes,…
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Choosing Cancer-Fighting Foods for a Healthier Lifestyle

Rarely a day goes by without us hearing the word dreaded word cancer. It automatically evokes a variety of emotions including—fear, anxiety, and empathy. Along with all the thoughts, all the emotion, all the underlying fear, how often do we…
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