Our Health Always Seems Much More Valuable To Us After We Lose It

Many people claim their health is of paramount importance to them yet they are unwilling to spend a little money on a health coach or a gym membership or put some effort into a proper exercise program. You may ask…
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Join the New Revolution in Wellness

When someone asks how you are and you say “I’m fine” or “doing well” or “great”, what do you mean? Do you say that because you are not sick and because you are not sick are you really well? What…
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If You Want A Disease Free Life You Are The One That Must Take Action

*Over the past fifty years we have believed that the responsibility for our health was chiefly the domain of the medical establishment. Those days have long gone. For starters no one can afford the hefty price tag of all inclusive…
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Are You Disease Proofing Your Body?

Is it any wonder two thirds of us are overweight to some degree or another, a large percentage of us have either poor physical, mental or emotional health (or all three) and one out of two of us have a…
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