Copy Three Healthy Habits of Slim Fit People

If you are having a struggle with getting into better shape why not take a leaf out of a slim, fit person’s book to give you a leg up to losing some weight and getting into better physical shape. What…
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“But, I Prefer to Have a Short Life”

We all have probably heard this absurd objection to a living a healthy lifestyle, “I don’t want to live a long life anyway”. To many people the thought of living a long life is frightening when so many others are…
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Can You Afford To Not Exercise?

When we have a family to care for, a career, and a busy life we pay a lot of attention to our assets, our financial goals and deadlines to achieve success and we can easily forget that our most important…
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Are The Children Of Tomorrow Going To Thank Us?

We may wonder why more people do not participate in a proper exercise program especially when it could mean the difference between good health and wellness and illness and disease. Everyone wants to kick back and relax, but too much…
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Break Free From The Diet Treadmill And Enjoy A New Diet Free Life

When we think of losing weight we generally think of going on a diet and for most people this idea would fill them with dread. Any wonder as a diet is about deprivation, it is about reducing food intake in…
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Are You One Of The Walking Unwell? – Not Sick But Not Healthy Either

We live in a fast paced modern world and our personal needs are often put much lower down on the totem pole of priorities than they should be. Long hours, stressful environments, lack of exercise and poor food quality means…
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Strength Training Makes Older Men and Women Smokin’ Hot

Conjure up a picture of what someone in their prime looks like. Would it include the following?  A healthy, firm, well shaped body, a quick step, good posture and a bearing that suggests confidence and enthusiasm, energy to spare and…
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Technology – A Blessing Or A Curse To Our Health?

Less than 100 years ago a hard working man would spend his day sweating behind a horse and plow. If he wanted to go to the village he would cycle and in the evenings he would do home repairs.  His…
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To Make The Most Of Life You Need To Feel And Be ‘Well’

Somehow we have this idea that taking care of our health should be free and someone else’s responsibility and that our doctor, insurance company or someone is there to fix us if we become ill. But our health cannot be…
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There Is A New Revolution On It’s Way Called Wellness

We are on the cusp of a revolution, something so powerful that it will change the path that mankind is taking. This groundswell of change is coming about because we are waking up to the fact that health means more…
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