Proper Exercise for Real Life Function

A long time ago, there were no intentional exercise programs. Physical activity was a natural part of life and practically everyone participated in enough movement on a daily basis to keep the body in good condition. Now our modern labor…
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How Sitting Can Damage Your Body and How You Can Counteract It

It’s true; sitting on one’s rear end for extended periods is a serious threat to health. Recent scientific findings suggest prolonged bouts of immobility such as when sitting is being linked to serious diseases that has become epidemic in our…
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Fitting Exercise into Your Schedule

We are all so busy these days – rushing around often hardly having time to catch our breath. The last thing on our mind is making time to exercise and we seem to have no qualms about using our lack…
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Fitness – The Secret To Success

We are always trying to pack more into our day and most times proper exercise gets left out because it takes up too much time. As a result our strength levels decline along with our fitness level, our waistlines increase…
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Proper Exercise – A Good Return On Investment

Most of us are always on the lookout for something that promises a good return on investment. When we hear that word investment we generally think of financial investments, after all we are taught from an early age that we…
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Do You Have A Ticking Health Bomb Inside You? – Out Of Control Blood Sugar Levels

As we grow older some critical changes are happening inside our body. We often blame these changes on the aging process but really this just means that we have been around longer so the changes have had longer to manifest…
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Do You Think You Can Get Away Without Adequate Self Care?

Most of us seem to spend a lot of time and effort worrying about many different things. Things like earning enough money to live a good life, being a good spouse or parent and having a happy fulfilling life. But…
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What Happens If You Don’t Exercise?

Our 21st Century lifestyles are inactive compared to those of our ancient ancestors. For them every single day was full of activity just getting enough food for survival. In the 1900’s manual labor and ‘work’ as it was called then…
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Fight Depression With A New Attitude

We cannot deny the fact that our genetic blueprint was formed back when our ancient ancestors had to survive that harshest of conditions. Being highly active stimulated chemicals that told the body’s operating systems that strength, endurance and health was…
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Technology – A Blessing Or A Curse To Our Health?

Less than 100 years ago a hard working man would spend his day sweating behind a horse and plow. If he wanted to go to the village he would cycle and in the evenings he would do home repairs.  His…
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