Compound Exercises are Key to Sporting Sexy “Gams”…

Who doesn’t love a great set of toned, shapely legs attached to a tight, firm butt? If that vision appeals to you and you are looking to create sexy, toned, shapely legs it will take patience, determination and consistency. It…
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Intensity, Form and Focus The Real Keys to Lean Strong Muscles

There are many factors that come into play in any effective and efficient strength training program but intensity may be the most important factor of all. Becoming leaner and stronger is not just about the exercises you do…but more importantly…
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Less is More with Minimalist Training…

If you’re like most people that begin a serious quest towards health and fitness you believe that “more is more.” The more you do the better off you will be and the quicker you will see the results you are…
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Fuel Your Body Properly Before and After Working Out…

Do you wake up early so you can get your work-out in before you start your day? If so, your self-discipline and diligence should be congratulated. If however you wake and run out the door to your local gym without…
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The Two Big-Bang Exercises

Strength training is getting more and more popular in all age groups and without a doubt, it’s the “big bang” exercises that you give you the best results. Two of these exercises that go beyond the norm with results when…
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Experience the Power of Interval Training…

Looking to burn more calories and fat but still performing endless amounts of low intensity aerobic exercise that is not achieving the fat loss progress you had hoped for? It’s time to abandon hours of aerobics that do nothing to…
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Strength Training and Seniors

Strength training is good for everyone…especially seniors. Wisdom is the reward that seniors enjoy. The experiences of life have tempered them and wisdom is the result. That’s a good thing. But aging also presents numerous health and fitness challenges and…
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Hypertension and Heart Health

Cardiovascular conditions and disease like heart disease, arteriosclerosis, congestive heart failure, heart attack and stroke are all grievous, possibly life-threatening diseases that are likely the result of years of unhealthy eating combined with sedentary lifestyles. Hypertension, or what is more…
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Water and Your Workout

Nearly two thirds of the human body is water so before beginning any challenging exercise program it is paramount to understand the role that this most precious nutrient plays during exercise. Water is critical when working out because your body…
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Testosterone, the Essence of Maleness

Just like females, as men age, they have to deal with their own set of physical changes that are unique to them alone. Many of these are a direct result of a decrease in the male hormone testosterone. Testosterone is…
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