8 Tricks to Become an Early Morning Exerciser

You’ve heard before that people who work out first thing in the morning tend to be more successful at following a fitness program. Ever wonder why? Well, yes, a lot can be said for getting it done and getting on…
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Your Health Savings Account

In our modern inactive sedentary world (with our increasing reliance on processed low quality food that promotes poor health and sickness) there has never been so much undeniable proof from science research to back up and support what most of…
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Your Exercise Program is Your Best Medicine…

Do you struggle to get motivated to exercise? Does it seem that no matter what approach you take, you end up quitting long before you reach your goals? Although it may seem like the problem you are experiencing has to…
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Big Fat Weight-Loss and Fitness Lies

Whatever your weight and fitness goals may be, before you dive in working towards them, it’s important that you first get educated and come to grips with some of the biggest lies perpetuated about the weight-loss/fitness industry.  If you don’t,…
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Get Rid of Body Fat and Reshape Your Body Into Something You Love

We live in a society focused on appearance. We love beauty in all shapes and sizes and admire those whose bodies are lean, symmetrical and firm. Although it’s too easy to pass this off as “great genes” which in our…
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2 Simple Metabolism Boosting Solutions

We all know of people who stay slim despite eating anything they want. What gives? It’s because of their fast metabolism (the body’s engine). They burn more fuel (calories) not only when they are exercising but when they are sitting…
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Wellness is More Than Just the “Absence of Disease”

There’s a revolution in the air. Something powerful enough to change the path that mankind is taking. We are currently waking up to the fact that health is not just the “absence of disease” and our current health care system…
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Fundamentals of a Great Workout Program

Ready to exercise? Taking time to learn the fundamentals of what makes a good workout program is critical to experiencing success on whatever program you choose. There are several ways you can go about structuring a workout protocol. The important…
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Honor Yourself When Choosing Your Fitness Plan

Health and fitness is not an “ones size fits all world.”  It’s more of a “what feels good” to you world. In truth, it is way too easy to get excited over the fitness and weight loss results someone else…
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You Can Achieve a Priceless Lifetime Exercise Habit

  PRIORITIES MATTER Today, there is a growing emphasis on looking good, feeling good, being well and living longer. None of these things can happen unless you get into better physical shape. Physical fitness is the key that opens the…
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