Your Body’s Internal Clock…

Humans, along with most organisms follow circadian rhythms during a 24 hour day. Circadian rhythms can be defined as an organism’s internal biological clock. Most living organisms have this biological clock. It penetrates and influences every aspect of life. Many…
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Getting Acquainted With Your Authentic Self

Our creator is not in the game of teasing us with empowering dreams and visions only to deny us their pleasure. There is only one person we can look to for that honor…that person is us. We are the only…
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Health and Happiness are Related…

How important is it to be happy? What role does happiness play in our lives? Let’s begin with a simple smile. How often has a genuine smile from someone else been empowered to shift your mood? It’s hard to stay…
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Multiply and Cultivate Your Motivation

Motivation. What is it and why do we need it? Motivation is derived from a Latin word motive – meaning “to move’ and is the catalyst to action or energy for motion. In other words, it propels us to do…
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Aligning Your Body, Mind and Spirit into One Powerful Force

There are those (although few) that still believe that “being healthy” is only about focusing on how well the body is functioning. Then there are more enlightened individuals that are aware of their mind-body connection and know that “being healthy”…
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Stress – It Does a Body Bad

Stress – just hearing that word can conjure up negative feelings and emotions! Stress itself is not necessarily unhealthy, after all, without our ancestors reacting to threats via their “fight or flight” instinct, we wouldn’t even be here. It’s chronic…
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Strategies to Boost Your Will-Power and Self-Control

There are two very powerful muscles in the body that are not part of our muscular/skeletal system, but equally important when it comes to reaching our dieting goals or sticking with our fitness plan. These two muscles are mind-muscles. They…
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The Goals of an Anti-Aging Lifestyle…

Not surprising, in this age of instant information, more and more, people are focused on obtaining a healthy and youthful life – the good life. In other words, the search for quality old age is on. Without a doubt, it’s…
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Live Your Best Life – Build Your Success Muscle

No matter what our passions and goals might be, the world is abound with unlimited opportunities to reach those goals, to be successful, realize our passions and fulfill our dreams. Success or failure achieving these things depends on the choices…
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Self-Reflection – A Powerful Personal Growth Tool

Doing regular guided self-reflections is a crucial part of boosting your mindset and turning a negative one into a more positive one and achieving greater success in life. Self-reflecting helps you to center your mind and reduce stress. You instantly…
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