Making the Most of Muscle

Reversing the aging process and winding the biological clock back is a process that appeals to everyone and the anti-aging business is healthier than ever as more and more people jump on the newest potion, lotion, injection, therapy, supplement, pill…
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Healthy Muscles and Healthy Bones Work as a Team

It wasn’t until recent times that the process of losing muscle and muscle tone during adult life acquired a name, sarcopenia, which simply means “vanishing flesh or muscle tissue. Sarcopenia is a serious condition marked by a reduction in muscle…
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Proper Exercise is Cellulite’s Enemy

Cellulite…although kind of “catchy” as a word, is definitely not something that anyone wants associated with their bodies. In plain, simple terms, cellulite is a type of stored fat tissue. Inside this fat tissue is connective tissue that protects our…
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Conquering Your Exercise Excuses

If you are like most people, you can probably come up with plenty of reasons (excuses) for why you are not more active. You’re too young, you’re too old, you’re too busy, you’re too tired or you’re in pretty good…
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Realign Your Metabolism For Maximum Longevity And Youthfulness

  None of us want to get old. In our modern youth orientated society there are no rewards for getting old especially if it is before your time. Staying as youthful as possible is big business with anti-aging treatments and…
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Your Muscles Are Your Bodies Armor and Defense

Because we cannot really see our muscles we tend to forget about their importance and most of us have no idea of how much they can affect our health and well-being especially as we get older. Not only do our…
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5 Proven Strategies For Keeping the Weight Off For Good

Many people mistakenly believe that weight loss is just a process that begins when you make changes to your eating or activity levels and ends when you have lost the weight. But this is not the best way to view…
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Turning Back the Clock: Maximizing the Anti-aging Benefits of Exercise

Every day the evidence continues to mount, proper exercise is the proverbial fountain of youth and new studies are continually being released that reinforce exercise as the number one youth elixir. It seems science and medicine is proving that one…
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Knock Years Off How You Look With The Right Type Of Exercise

At some time back in our history, wrinkles were considered a good thing as they showed you were mature, wise and experienced in many life skills. However our culture today sees wrinkles in a completely different light. So different in…
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Need A Metabolism Makeover?

For the most part, when we think about our metabolism it is in relation to our body weight and it is an easy way to assess the health and condition of your body’s engine and your fuel burning capacity is…
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