Strength Training is NOT Optional

The weakness and loss of energy we associate with getting older, such as difficulty walking distances, climbing stairs, or carrying groceries, are largely due to muscle tissue loss. This muscle loss, for the most part, is from living an inactive…
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A Full Body Workout that Works!

Are you tired of thinking about which body parts need exercise today, or how often the exercises you’ve adopted for particular muscles and limbs need rotating to stay effective? Are you looking for a full body workout that does exactly…
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Muscles and Metabolism…

Many people are confused about our metabolism (our body’s engine) and have little idea of how to keep it in good running condition. What do you think has the biggest impact on it? Age? Activity levels? Thyroid function? Wrong, wrong…
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Strong Heart Muscles Matter

Most of us never give so much of a thought to one of the most important muscles in our body – our heart. This underappreciated muscle/organ beats away in the background like some faithful servant, never complaining and always on…
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Rid Yourself of Ugly Belly Fat

Sadly the focus of our society is on getting skinny and losing weight. We jump for joy when we see the latest diet hit the shelves. These diets; however, are very dangerous. The majority of these fad diets focus on…
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Dangerous Visceral Fat

It’s no secret that being obese or overweight is one of the main drivers of many life-threatening diseases such as cancer. A key to preventing disease is to keep our body composition…our muscle and fat ratio at a healthy level.…
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Antioxidants – Bullies Against Free Radicals

For optimal health and wellness it’s ultimately important that we are including foods that are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances such as vitamins that help to prevent free-radical damage to the body by neutralizing the oxidation process and reducing…
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Changes in Your Body – Exercise Timeline

When it comes to physical activity/exercise, is the “pain worth the gain?”  Are the benefits received in return for our actions/fitness goals worth the time invested? And, “how long will it be before we actually see/feel positive body changes taking…
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Stop Those Food Cravings

Every one of us has experienced, from time to time, a sudden urge for a certain food or drink. Sometimes these urges become an intense craving, destroying the best laid eating plans. Food cravings are insistent and usually an uncontrollable…
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The Dangers of Crash Dieting

Every day of your life your body requires a combination of many nutrients in order to function properly and stay alive. These nutrients include the main macro-nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, and dietary fats. They also include micro-nutrients such as vitamins and…
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