Awesome Raw Dessert – “Lime Mousse Tart”

As a whole we are beginning to eat more fresh foods and less processed “empty foods,” shifting our lifestyles towards better overall health and well-being. Our kitchens are being cleansed of unhealthy processed items. We are eliminating the culprits that…
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Successful Dieting Takes Planning and a Little Bit of Cheating…

Yep, dieting success requires planning and along with planning…a little “cheating” too. Although our perception of “cheating” in anything is negative…when it comes to dieting success cheating can actually play a positive role.   CHEAT DAY How can “cheating,” especially…
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Boost HGH Levels Naturally

Hormones are the bodies regulators, regulating every system in the human body. HGH or GH –  Human Growth Hormone is one of the most important and complex hormones the body produces.  It is critical for building a lean, muscular body,…
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Healthy Shopping and Food Prep Tips

  Nutrition impacts every single element of your life. Your daily energy levels, weight, risk for disease and even the level of self-confidence you feel about your outer appearance are all tied to nutrition and nutrition comes down to habit.…
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Juicing Promotes Stellar Health

The body is an amazing self-healing machine when fed the right foods and proper nutrients and vegetable juice will become a health gift that pays huge dividends over time. Adding live vegetable juices to one’s diet as a daily routine…
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Protein Power…

Macro-nutrients are the nutrients that make up the foods you consume over the course of the day. Proteins, carbohydrates and dietary fats all fall into this category. When you begin any kind of resistance training, it’s very important that you…
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Enjoy Raw Food Cookies Without the Guilt!

Foods enjoyed in their raw state are becoming more and more popular. For good reason. Raw foods, the kind nature prepares with sunlight, nutrient rich soil, and rain are the most natural foods of all. They are the easiest to…
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Enjoy These Delicious Raw No Bake Brownies

Because of the wealth of unhealthy snacks lining the grocery store shelves these days, snacking has gotten a bad rap. However, it does not have to be that way. Snacking does not have to be about pre-packaged foods, bright and…
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Size Matters When it Comes to Food Portions…

In order to help you avoid becoming the walking calorie counting machine when you are trying to lose weight, you need to have an understanding of serving sizes. The truth is, size matters. At least when it comes to the…
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Don’t Be Fooled – High Fructose Corn Syrup is Toxic to Your Health

The corn industry is presently spending millions of dollars spreading misinformation campaigns in order to convince the general population/consumers as well as health care professionals about the safety of their product High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), an extremely bad sugar.…
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