Snacking Does Not Have to be Unhealthy…

Intermittent fasting is a recent health trend. It helps many people to lose and sustain weight loss, improves metabolic health and some claim it adds years to our lives. And it is easier than most think because our sleeping hours…
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Nutritously Delicious Lemon Raspberry Cake

Lemon Raspberry Cake   Save Print Prep time 20 mins Total time 20 mins   This gem of a cake is not only delicious and nutritious but it is temptingly beautiful as well with its bright raspberry color demanding attention.…
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Herbs and Spices Shake Up Your Food

The journey to weightloss can be challenging as we seek to find the right diet best suited for our metabolism. Often times we are asked to eliminate some flavorful foods that tickle our tongue but add nothing to our health.…
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Black an White Thinking Is Detrimental

We are, without doubt, an incredibly powerful species, granted the powers of creation. Unfortunately, many have not taken advantage of their creative gifts because of the demands of the mind – their self-sabotaging mind conditioning and negative thinking getting in…
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Covid Wake-Up Call Savvy

Coronavirus is a wake-up call. You could argue we need them. That is because our war with the environment is increasingly predisposing us to calamities of our own making. The current pandemic sweeping across the globe is unlikely to be…
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Antioxidants – Bullies Against Free Radicals

For optimal health and wellness it’s ultimately important that we are including foods that are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances such as vitamins that help to prevent free-radical damage to the body by neutralizing the oxidation process and reducing…
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Extreme Diet and Fitness Tactics Don’t Work Long-Term…

Many people, once they’ve decided to shift their lives for the better and adopt exercise and healthy eating will take an “all or nothing at all” approach to both. What exactly does this mean? It means they want everything to…
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Stop Those Food Cravings

Every one of us has experienced, from time to time, a sudden urge for a certain food or drink. Sometimes these urges become an intense craving, destroying the best laid eating plans. Food cravings are insistent and usually an uncontrollable…
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Clean Nutrient Dense Eating for Health and Longevity

Everyday our bodies are bombarded by foreign toxins. They are found in the air we breath, the water we drink and the foods we consume. Pesticides, household cleaners and beauty products including lotions, soaps, hair products, makeup and perfumes are…
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Are Your Thoughts Synchronized With Your Actions?

Your body responds to the way you think. Or, be careful what you think, “your body is listening to everything you say.” If you want to maximize your body’s ability to stay healthy, your ideal regimen – along with your…
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