Empower Yourself With the Attitude of Gratitude…

Life is full of challenges. There is not a person alive who does not face them on a daily basis. It is the challenges in life that force growth…not the comfort in life. However, it’s not the challenges themselves that…
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Setting SMART Goals for Success…

A really important aspect to achieving success in any endeavor is the creation of proper goals. Without goals…there is no direction to focus on and without direction and no real firm game plan your ideas will just be floating around…
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Exercise Your Body to Increase Your Long-term Memory

It seems that regular consistent physical exercise increases the volume of regions of the brain that are important for thinking and memory. A study published in Neurology showed that adults in their seventies that exercised the most experienced the least…
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Self-discipline Creates Strong, Healthy Minds and Bodies

“Habits begin like flimsy cobwebs at first and are strengthened day by day to become like unbreakable cables to shackle or strengthen our lives”. For many, the word discipline is a dirty word. But, in reality, the opposite is true.…
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Testosterone, the Essence of Maleness

Just like females, as men age, they have to deal with their own set of physical changes that are unique to them alone. Many of these are a direct result of a decrease in the male hormone testosterone. Testosterone is…
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Endorphin’s…the Feel-Good Molecule…Have You Had Your Share Today?

Endorphin’s are certain chemicals that can cross through the gaps between neurons and pass along messages from one to the next. There is a huge variety of endorphins and science is just beginning to tap into and understand information about…
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Focus On The Invisible Benefits Of Exercise

Many people start an exercise program looking to achieve changes to physical appearance – weight loss, less body fat, firmer and more toned muscles, improved heart health and so on. But there are many more health benefits from exercise that…
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Make it Your Fitness Goal to Develop an Exercise Habit

Want to develop a fitness habit, be fit and look great? What separates those who can stick to a fitness program from those who call it quits before they get the results they expect? Despite what you may think, it…
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When You Are Strong And Fit You Are Not Only Healthier But Saner And Happier As Well

It is human nature to be in the pursuit of happiness. We often seek happiness from external sources such as relationships, the acquisition of monetary wealth and power, careers, developing intelligence, externally looking good and successful to others. Material things…
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