Your Live Your Best Life Ever by Developing a Healthy “Success Muscle”

No matter what our passions and goals might be, the world is abound with unlimited opportunities to reach those goals, to be successful, realize our passions and fulfill our dreams. Success or failure achieving these things depends on the choices…
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Building Strength Inside and Out

Our modern-day lives are indeed busy. Technology continues to speed up our world and demands on our time and expectations are rising with it. In such a fast-paced environment, our own self-care is more important than ever and vital to…
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Shift Out of Victim Mentality…

Attitude is everything. Mental attitude, no matter what the end goal is, either helps you get there or impedes your progress and one of the most damaging attitudes anyone can adopt is victim-mentality. What is victim-mentality? Victim mentality is a…
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Ready to Adopt Better Habits? Follow this Proven Plan…

Our happiness or lack thereof, success or lack of and even health and fitness levels are all tied into and the result of daily habits. Our habits are essentially what define us. Good habits result in positive routines, efficiency and…
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Dangerously Declining Testosterone Levels

Testosterone is one of many hormones produced by the human body. It is the main male sex hormone and men produce much higher levels of it than women do. Estrogen is the sex hormone that is prevalent in women. Both…
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Getting Acquainted With Your Authentic Self

Our creator is not in the game of teasing us with empowering dreams and visions only to deny us their pleasure. There is only one person we can look to for that honor…that person is us. We are the only…
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The Key to Being 40-50 years YOUNG…

Looking to turn back or slow down the aging clock? You’re not alone. Slowing down the aging process and improving our health is not something we do after we’ve had a health scare. Nor do we wait till later in…
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Health and Happiness are Related…

How important is it to be happy? What role does happiness play in our lives? Let’s begin with a simple smile. How often has a genuine smile from someone else been empowered to shift your mood? It’s hard to stay…
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The Six Factors of Physical Fitness…

Because exercise is based on the muscular and joint functions of the human body, functions we all share, we can surmise that the general principles and application of exercise are universal and the same for all humans on the planet.…
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Aligning Your Body, Mind and Spirit into One Powerful Force

There are those (although few) that still believe that “being healthy” is only about focusing on how well the body is functioning. Then there are more enlightened individuals that are aware of their mind-body connection and know that “being healthy”…
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