Yes, Exercise Can Make You Hungry…

The addition of exercise impacts people in various ways depending on their own unique and individual response. The most common response upon exercising is an increase in hunger. It only makes sense since more energy is expended on a daily…
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Self-Accountability Empowers You to Success…

Leading a productive life, demands that you respect and care for yourself enough to know that you deserve to live in a healthy, slim, fit, feel-good body. It means being self-accountable. Self-accountability…what is it and why do we need it?…
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Consistency and the Power of Practice

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle Entrepreneurs are some of the most driven and successful people on the planet. They don’t get there by giving up. They are not weak…
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“No Excuses” Health and Fitness Plan…

“If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse.” No matter how intense efforts are when beginning a new health, fitness or weight loss regime, at some point in time, we all…
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Successful Dieting Takes Planning and a Little Bit of Cheating…

Yep, dieting success requires planning and along with planning…a little “cheating” too. Although our perception of “cheating” in anything is negative…when it comes to dieting success cheating can actually play a positive role.   CHEAT DAY How can “cheating,” especially…
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Healthy Shopping and Food Prep Tips

  Nutrition impacts every single element of your life. Your daily energy levels, weight, risk for disease and even the level of self-confidence you feel about your outer appearance are all tied to nutrition and nutrition comes down to habit.…
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Self Confidence is a Super-Power

The confidence you exude to others is not something that can be learned. There are no set of rules that must be followed because self-confidence is actually a state of mind – a result of the feelings of acceptance and…
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Strength Training for Proper Posture

The strength of our skeletal, muscular health is important. It is the framework that holds us up and allows us to move around. It is foundation of our posture. Without it, our body would fail with muscle, joint or bone…
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Starving Yourself Causes More Damage Than Good…

Just because we live in the age where food is at our fingertips we think we are well fed and well nourished. Unfortunately, one does not equate into the other because many of the easily obtainable and readily available foods…
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Creative Visualization is a Powerful Tool in the Weight Loss War

In this “new age” of mental abilities, it is no secret that thoughts and emotions directly affect the body. Depending on focus and where the predominant thoughts and emotions lie, the body either reacts for the better or the worse.…
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