You Can Quell Those Food Cravings…
February 19, 2018
Disease Prevention, Habit, Healthy Balanced Eating, Metabolism, Weight Loss
Food cravings are no one’s friend, but, unfortunately no one is exempt.
Every one of us has, from time to time, experienced a sudden urge for a particular food or drink. They happen because we have not eaten properly –…
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Sedentary Lifestyles are Harming Our Children
November 19, 2017
Disease Prevention, Habit, Life Success, Sedentary Lifestyles
It’s a sad but true fact that childhood obesity has more than tripled in the last three decades.
Just 30 years ago diabetes was viewed as an “old” person’s disease. Not any longer.
The real, but sad truth is, young…
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6 Important Exercise Habits to Develop
November 6, 2017
Anti Aging Exercise, Habit, Motivation to Exercise
Habits of a good exercise program.
As you start doing your exercise program, there are certain habits you’ll want to build that will help ensure those workouts deliver the best possible results.
Healthy Exercise Habits:
Prioritize Form –
The first…
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Self-Reflection – A Powerful Personal Growth Tool
October 15, 2017
Depression, Disease Prevention, Habit, Happiness, Mind Power, Self-Discipline, Stress, Wellness
Doing regular guided self-reflections is a crucial part of boosting your mindset and turning a negative one into a more positive one and achieving greater success in life.
Self-reflecting helps you to center your mind and reduce stress. You instantly…
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Accentuate the Positive When Trying to Lose Weight…
October 2, 2017
Habit, Healthy Balanced Eating, Weight Loss, Wellness
Are you caught in the repetitive “yo-yo syndrome” of crash dieting?
Do you continually adopt new kinds of “miracle, quick fix” diets only to find yourself back where you began?
If you want to see long-term success with your diet…
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8 Tricks to Become an Early Morning Exerciser
August 22, 2017
Anti Aging Exercise, Disease Prevention, Habit, Happiness, Motivation to Exercise, Proper Exercise
You’ve heard before that people who work out first thing in the morning tend to be more successful at following a fitness program. Ever wonder why? Well, yes, a lot can be said for getting it done and getting on…
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Your Health Savings Account
August 6, 2017
Anti Aging Exercise, Disease Prevention, Habit, Healthy Balanced Eating, Proper Exercise, Sedentary Lifestyles
In our modern inactive sedentary world (with our increasing reliance on processed low quality food that promotes poor health and sickness) there has never been so much undeniable proof from science research to back up and support what most of…
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Take Advantage of Your Metabolic Furnace…
July 24, 2017
Anti Aging Exercise, Habit, Happiness, Metabolism
Do you exercise regularly in hopes of ridding yourself of excess weight but your excess weight doesn’t budge? You’re in good company. Thousands of people exercise daily under the mistaken belief that all exercise is the same, therefore all results…
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Exercise Helps You Fall Into Deep Restful Sleep
July 16, 2017
Anti Aging Exercise, Disease Prevention, Habit, Happiness, Stress, Wellness
Most people are aware that eating proper foods and performing challenging exercise are the two primary keys to boosting energy and living longer, healthier, more productive lives.
What many people are not aware of is the role that sleep plays…
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Yes, Exercise Can Make You Hungry…
May 22, 2017
Anti Aging Exercise, Habit, Healthy Balanced Eating, Weight Loss
The addition of exercise impacts people in various ways depending on their own unique and individual response.
The most common response upon exercising is an increase in hunger. It only makes sense since more energy is expended on a daily…
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