Belly-Fat is Dangerous to Your Health

Have you found yourself looking in the mirror focusing on the excess pouch you call your stomach and wondering how in the heck it got there? You are not alone. Unfortunately when most people gain weight their waistline is the…
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Reboot Your Immune System With Strength Training…

HOW EXERCISE HELPS TO PROTECT US Our bodies were created with activity in mind…vigorous activity, otherwise why would we have muscles to begin with? Muscles are not meant to be sedentary…they were created to be used and studies indicate that…
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Help Balance Your pH Eating These Alkaline Foods…

Proper alkaline balance (proper pH) in the body is mandatory for overall health and vitality as well as long term weight loss. The pH scale ranges from 1-14 with 1 the most acidic end, 7 neutral and 14 the most…
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Intense Work-Out With Slow Weight-Training…

With so many exercise and fitness options readily available these days, there really is no valid excuse (except for the rare few) not to be physically fit. Additionally, it’s no secret that resistance exercise or strength training of some sort…
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Maintain Healthy Body Fluids with Flavored Water…

Besides getting plenty of challenging exercise and enjoying a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy fluid balance is crucial for peak body performance, yet many people still do not get their required quota of healthy fluids daily. But times are changing…
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Take Anywhere – No Bake Homemade Protein Bars

One of the first things that people learn on their way to health and fitness is the importance of protein in the diet. They become aware of how important it is to have a serving of protein with every snack…
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Health-Giving, Money Saving Food Dehydrators…

Looking to bump up your intake of life giving vitamins and minerals? Look no further than the modern home food dehydrator. This appliance is becoming a very hot trend – and, for good reason. Food dehydrators are exceptionally easy to…
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Empower Yourself Using Positive Daily Affirmations…

Repetition of daily positive affirmations…said with intent and focused energy (feelings) is essentially a very effective way to begin shifting your life from negative to positive. This can include all areas of your life: financial, health, fitness, business or companionship.…
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Master Your Mind through Meditation…

The short description of meditation is that it is a process that brings peace and calmness into your being and thus your life. It is subjective and does have not have one single definition; there are many different types and…
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Foods That are Damaging and Dangerous to Your Health…

It’s important when you begin your journey to health and fitness that you learn as much about nutrition and the many things you can do that will improve your dietary intake. But, it is also just as important to understand…
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