Health-Giving, Money Saving Food Dehydrators…

Looking to bump up your intake of life giving vitamins and minerals? Look no further than the modern home food dehydrator. This appliance is becoming a very hot trend – and, for good reason. Food dehydrators are exceptionally easy to…
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Empower Yourself Using Positive Daily Affirmations…

Repetition of daily positive affirmations…said with intent and focused energy (feelings) is essentially a very effective way to begin shifting your life from negative to positive. This can include all areas of your life: financial, health, fitness, business or companionship.…
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Master Your Mind through Meditation…

The short description of meditation is that it is a process that brings peace and calmness into your being and thus your life. It is subjective and does have not have one single definition; there are many different types and…
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Foods That are Damaging and Dangerous to Your Health…

It’s important when you begin your journey to health and fitness that you learn as much about nutrition and the many things you can do that will improve your dietary intake. But, it is also just as important to understand…
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Fuel Your Body With Proper Fuel…

Your future really boils down to how you treat your body now. Treat your body right now and you’ll ease onto your senior years with dignity and grace. Treat it badly and you’ll be lucky to stumble in or roll…
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The Top Three Health Villains…

People are being robbed of their healthy years and most do not even realize it until the timing is too late. Chronic disease is a modern health holocaust and accounts for 70% of all deaths. Diseases that are incurable and…
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Let it Glow! Juice Your Way to Health…

Juicing isn’t just a rage…it’s a health movement…one that’s here to stay because it works. Juicing helps you to consume an optimum amount of veggies in an efficient fashion as well as helping you soak up all the nutrients from…
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Enjoy Cupcakes the Healthy Way…

With the success of “Cupcakes Wars,” cupcakes have become the most popular way to enjoy cake these days. It’s not surprising to find that even brides are craftily creating wedding cakes using cupcakes. Is there a way to jump on…
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Healthy Balanced Meals for a Healthy Balanced Body

Without a doubt, most of us have allowed ourselves to fall deep into the trap of becoming accustomed to prepackaged foods, fast foods and restaurant foods…all highly concentrated and calorie-dense choices. Refined foods pack a punch of calories in a…
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Hypertension and Heart Health

Cardiovascular conditions and disease like heart disease, arteriosclerosis, congestive heart failure, heart attack and stroke are all grievous, possibly life-threatening diseases that are likely the result of years of unhealthy eating combined with sedentary lifestyles. Hypertension, or what is more…
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