
5 Stages to Fitness Health Success…

Whenever you make major lifestyle changes, including adopting a new exercise or strength training program you’ll likely go through 5 stages before succeeding. Five Stages to Fitness Health: Pre-contemplation – As the title implies, at this stage, you are not…
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The Importance Of Groups For Fitness Goals

The Importance Of Groups For Fitness Goals

If there was a way to double your probabilities for success with fitness goals, would you like to hear more? How about a way to make it more fun? Something that that automatically makes space and time in your rushed…
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Health Benefits of the Small but Mighty Apricot

Although apricots are considered a super-food they are often times the least enjoyed readily available fruit for most families.  If you have not tried apricots in some of your recipes, it’s time you did. These little pocket sized gems grow…
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Strength Training for Proper Posture

The strength of our skeletal, muscular health is important. It is the framework that holds us up and allows us to move around. It is foundation of our posture. Without it, our body would fail with muscle, joint or bone…
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Starving Yourself Causes More Damage Than Good…

Just because we live in the age where food is at our fingertips we think we are well fed and well nourished. Unfortunately, one does not equate into the other because many of the easily obtainable and readily available foods…
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Create a Positive Feedback Loop for Health and Wellness…

Many people wonder how to find the illusive motivation to exercise and eat healthy. What and where is this special motivation thing you need to get yourself out of bed and out the door to your workouts? If we sit…
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Creative Visualization is a Powerful Tool in the Weight Loss War

In this “new age” of mental abilities, it is no secret that thoughts and emotions directly affect the body. Depending on focus and where the predominant thoughts and emotions lie, the body either reacts for the better or the worse.…
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Preventing Chronic Disease…

Chronic diseases are incurable diseases that slowly and painfully steal the life out of someone as they continue their destruction, getting worse and worse throughout a person’s lifetime. It is definitely a modern day health holocaust that accounts for 70%…
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New Workout? Feeling the pain?

  Because muscles go through intensive physical stress when we exercise, any type of strenuous physical activity will likely cause some sort of muscle soreness afterward. Normally felt after a new activity as a dull, aching pain with tenderness and…
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Essential Macro and Micro Nutrients…

Without a doubt, the most incredible machine ever created is the human body. Among all the amazing talents it displays, is the ability to break down the foods we eat into macro and micro nutrients so they can be reassembled…
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