
Healthy for You – Yummy Sweet Potato Bars

Sweet potatoes are amazingly healthy for us! In fact, the orange fleshed sweet potato has been tagged as one of nature’s unsurpassed sources of beta-carotene. They’ve been enjoyed since prehistoric times and by the 16th century, began to be cultivated…
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Health and Hydration

Just walk into any store these days and go into the “home-wares” department – you will find multiple choices for “water transport.” It’s a hot topic for a reason. More and more people have become aware of how important it…
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Eat More Fat…The Good Kind

Although nutritionists and doctors alike have been preaching the benefits of a low-fat diet as one of the keys to managing cholesterol, losing weight and preventing future health issues, it’s really about what types of fat you eat…not the amount…
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Yes, Exercise Can Make You Hungry…

The addition of exercise impacts people in various ways depending on their own unique and individual response. The most common response upon exercising is an increase in hunger. It only makes sense since more energy is expended on a daily…
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Self-Accountability Empowers You to Success…

Leading a productive life, demands that you respect and care for yourself enough to know that you deserve to live in a healthy, slim, fit, feel-good body. It means being self-accountable. Self-accountability…what is it and why do we need it?…
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Weight, Habits and Metabolism…

  Do you see dieting and losing weight as a one time event? Many overweight people do. They perceive it as something that you start (such as a diet) make some necessary short-term changes to your food intake then end…
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Chronic Inflammation is a Serious Health Issue

Many people are unaware that chronic inflammation is the primary source of most diseases. Obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer are all caused by chronic inflammation, and that’s just the short list. What does this reveal? Chronic inflammation is the…
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Consistency and the Power of Practice

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle Entrepreneurs are some of the most driven and successful people on the planet. They don’t get there by giving up. They are not weak…
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Your Exercise Program is Your Best Medicine…

Do you struggle to get motivated to exercise? Does it seem that no matter what approach you take, you end up quitting long before you reach your goals? Although it may seem like the problem you are experiencing has to…
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Awesome Raw Dessert – “Lime Mousse Tart”

As a whole we are beginning to eat more fresh foods and less processed “empty foods,” shifting our lifestyles towards better overall health and well-being. Our kitchens are being cleansed of unhealthy processed items. We are eliminating the culprits that…
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