
Enjoy The Benefits of IF…

There’s a new player on the bock when it comes to healthy eating. It’s called Intermittent Fasting. IF is not a new concept, in fact, it was practiced naturally by our ancestors because they literally had no choice. Access to…
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Health and Happiness are Related…

How important is it to be happy? What role does happiness play in our lives? Let’s begin with a simple smile. How often has a genuine smile from someone else been empowered to shift your mood? It’s hard to stay…
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Habits of a Good Exercise Program

If you’ve recently started an exercise program, congratulations! You’ve taken a major step towards boosting your mental and physical health. As you get started doing your exercise program, there are some habits you’ll want to build that will help to…
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Exercise – The Best and Cheapest Medicine

Every minute of everyday, life or death decisions are made terms of what you choose to put into your body and how you choose to use it. You are the only chance your body has to remain healthy. If you…
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Looking to Lose Weight? Know Your Numbers

Looking to take off weight and lose excess fat? There must be a calorie deficit if you are trying for fat loss. The first step is to get your calories down in proper alignment. This deficit is what causes the…
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The Six Factors of Physical Fitness…

Because exercise is based on the muscular and joint functions of the human body, functions we all share, we can surmise that the general principles and application of exercise are universal and the same for all humans on the planet.…
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The Power of Strength Training…

Essential to staying strong and vital during our lifetime is participation in regular strengthening exercises that help prevent muscle weakening, osteoporosis and frailty by stimulating the growth of muscle and bone. Strengthening exercises are easy to learn and have been…
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Multiply and Cultivate Your Motivation

Motivation. What is it and why do we need it? Motivation is derived from a Latin word motive – meaning “to move’ and is the catalyst to action or energy for motion. In other words, it propels us to do…
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You Can Combat the Aging Process

Have you honored your body today? You only get one you know. If you don’t honor it and keep it as healthy as possible, it will start to break down and show first subtle, and then serious signs of aging.…
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Aligning Your Body, Mind and Spirit into One Powerful Force

There are those (although few) that still believe that “being healthy” is only about focusing on how well the body is functioning. Then there are more enlightened individuals that are aware of their mind-body connection and know that “being healthy”…
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