You Really Can Lose Weight Using The Power Your Mind

You may have heard recently about how the thoughts you think can literally turn into the events you experience, the success you have in your life, the material things you possess…AND even weight loss and the health of your body.…
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Our Most Important Business Asset Is Our Body

When we are self employed and in business for ourselves, we pay a lot of attention to our goals, our finances and our assets but somehow we seem to forget that our most important asset is our body and its…
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If You Want Wellness You Will Have To Be Proactive

One thing we humans want is to be well and healthy. The definition of wellness is being in a state of good health, physically, mentally and emotionally and of being free of (and not at risk of) disease. This state…
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If You Are Overweight A Diet Will Not Fix The Problem

With two thirds of us in the world today being overweight it is natural that we should be looking for solutions. Most people think that a diet of some sort is the solution as everywhere we are bombarded with temptations…
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Does Your Exercise Attitude Need An Adjustment?

Have you ever made a decision to ‘exercise more’ or to ‘eat better’ …then after a few weeks/days of getting to the gym early, experiencing sore muscles and not seeing immediate results….you decided that your position as a non-exerciser was…
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Dieting Does ‘Bad Stuff’ To Your Body

If you are overweight it is likely that you have tried to lose weight by some sort of diet. It may even be that you have tried more than one. The problem with many of these weight loss diets is…
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Copy Three Healthy Habits of Slim Fit People

If you are having a struggle with getting into better shape why not take a leaf out of a slim, fit person’s book to give you a leg up to losing some weight and getting into better physical shape. What…
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“But, I Prefer to Have a Short Life”

We all have probably heard this absurd objection to a living a healthy lifestyle, “I don’t want to live a long life anyway”. To many people the thought of living a long life is frightening when so many others are…
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Can You Afford To Not Exercise?

When we have a family to care for, a career, and a busy life we pay a lot of attention to our assets, our financial goals and deadlines to achieve success and we can easily forget that our most important…
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Are The Children Of Tomorrow Going To Thank Us?

We may wonder why more people do not participate in a proper exercise program especially when it could mean the difference between good health and wellness and illness and disease. Everyone wants to kick back and relax, but too much…
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