Strength Training Exercise For Body and Brain Health

It is a sad fact that 8 out of 10 adults do not do enough proper exercise. This means their muscles do not get worked anywhere near enough to keep vital “growth and repair” hormones stimulated and flowing. The growth…
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Muscle Aging is Not Chronological

Scientists have identified multiple genes that regulate physical strength and biological age. Most notable among them are those involved in the sustainability of our muscle tissue. It’s the decrease in the expression of these genes that causes our muscle to…
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Strength Training is NOT Optional

The weakness and loss of energy we associate with getting older, such as difficulty walking distances, climbing stairs, or carrying groceries, are largely due to muscle tissue loss. This muscle loss, for the most part, is from living an inactive…
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Prevent Disease and Strengthen Your Immune System the “Strong” Way

Without a doubt proper exercise is one of the most powerful weapons we have for reducing chronic inflammation that can trigger cancer growth, keeping estrogen levels in check which protects against all hormone-dependent cancers, strengthening the immune system and stopping…
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A Sedentary Lifestyle Promotes Accelerated Aging

You only need to take a look around you to see that most everyone in so-called civilized nations are actually pursuing an “accelerated aging program”; one that leaves us feeling old and exhausted long before our time. Consuming a diet…
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Natural and Organic are Not Interchangable Terms

Is organic food safer or more nutritious? Organic can be defined as the way farmers grow and process agricultural products like fruits, veggies, grains, dairy products and meat. Organic farmers practice agriculture that is designed to further soil and water…
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Epigenetics and the Science of Longevity

In the past decade, science broke through many previous taboos in understanding and deciphering molecular, cellular and genetic aging. The new science of longevity was born – Longevity is not a new topic. It has been an area of interest…
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Prevent Disease Before It Starts…

Disease or organ failure through accident or injury may be empowered to claim life, but never aging – nothing dies from simply being old. Celebrating birthdays should never be perceived as a punishment – something that drains the life out…
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Exercise for Energy

Feeling tired, sluggish or sleepy beyond the norm? Ready to fight your ongoing fatigue? Rather than reach for another cup of coffee, try on exercise for relief. A Harvard Medical School report on how exercise is empowered to boost energy…
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Fasting is Good for You

There is a new approach to eating that is taking the fitness world by storm. This new approach to eating has nothing at all to do with fasting or starvation. And, its not just about skipping a meal.  What it…
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