Strength Training Exercise For Body and Brain Health

It is a sad fact that 8 out of 10 adults do not do enough proper exercise. This means their muscles do not get worked anywhere near enough to keep vital “growth and repair” hormones stimulated and flowing. The growth…
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Muscles are Mandatory

Although modern medicine is continually finding cures for many diseases and illnesses our health has been steadily declining since World War II. In the last four decades alone the prevalence of overweight adults has increased from 31 percent to 64…
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Muscle Aging is Not Chronological

Scientists have identified multiple genes that regulate physical strength and biological age. Most notable among them are those involved in the sustainability of our muscle tissue. It’s the decrease in the expression of these genes that causes our muscle to…
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Strength Training is NOT Optional

The weakness and loss of energy we associate with getting older, such as difficulty walking distances, climbing stairs, or carrying groceries, are largely due to muscle tissue loss. This muscle loss, for the most part, is from living an inactive…
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Muscles and Metabolism…

Many people are confused about our metabolism (our body’s engine) and have little idea of how to keep it in good running condition. What do you think has the biggest impact on it? Age? Activity levels? Thyroid function? Wrong, wrong…
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Lifestyle choices…Not Chance Determine Our Destiny

Equipped with a high-powered immune system and intracellular anti-oxidant defense system, the body is truly a disease killing machine when operating at peak performance. Unfortunately for most people it isn’t. Rather than teaching people how to cure disease (so much…
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The Power of the Humble Squat

We now know, without doubt, that sitting for prolonged periods of time is devastating to our health and longevity. Our sedentary lifestyles are taking a toll and many people can no longer perform basic, functional, natural movements without suffering pain…
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A Sedentary Lifestyle Promotes Accelerated Aging

You only need to take a look around you to see that most everyone in so-called civilized nations are actually pursuing an “accelerated aging program”; one that leaves us feeling old and exhausted long before our time. Consuming a diet…
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The Insulin Resistant Merry-Go-Round

It is well known that elevated blood sugar is the precursor to diabetes. What is not so well known is the fact that glucose or insulin levels are also risk factors for cancers and the risk rises as insulin levels…
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Health and Fitness – The Dynamic Team

Scientific studies and medical research continue to reveal that our personal health and fitness are intimately related. Why is this medical fact important enough to take seriously? Because if we allow our fitness level to “slip” our health eventually follows…
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