Clean Eating for Stellar Health

Are you trading food convenience for needed nutrition? If so, it’s time to understand the damage you are creating within your body. Clean eating, although a simple, straight forward concept is one of the keys to stellar health. However, it…
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Yummy Raw Chocolate Avocado Pie

Most anyone who is seeking a greater degree of health is well aware that “super-foods” are concentrated, nutrient dense foods that contribute a great deal to the health of our bodies and should be included to some degree in all…
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Herbs and Spices Add to Your Health

Whenever we set out to lose excess weight, oftentimes, will have to give up (or at least cut back) on some of our favorite foods but that doesn’t mean we have to cut back on flavor or health benefits. Enter…
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EnJOY this Healthy Blueberry Slice

The mighty blueberry. This little but powerful blue gem is a favorite of adults and children alike. And, for good reason. Blueberries taste good! Blueberries are healthy and super sweet. They are packed with anti-oxidants (in fact, they are believed…
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Muscles and Protein – The Perfect Pair

If you’re serious about losing fat and building muscle, both your diet and your physical activity must join hands. It takes both serious attention to both diet and physical activity if permanent success is to be achieved in the weight/fat…
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Cranberry Mini-Cakes

Cranberries are beautiful, little red charmers that are native to North America. Low in calories but high in vitamin C, vitamin A and K, they are a favorite for holiday feasts but add flavor and color to everything they grace…
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Food Prep and Snack Tips to Help You Stay Healthy…

Nutrition is something that many are aware they should be doing better with, yet, can’t seem to muster the motivation or gain the knowledge needed to really get started. Yet, nutrition impacts every single element of our lives. Our daily…
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Enjoy These Sugar Free Orange Carrot Bars

Carrots. Most of us enjoy them on a weekly basis and many on a daily basis. They are easily grown and one of the most widely used and enjoyed veggies spanning all cultures around the world. Although the color orange…
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Delicious Pumpkin Bites

Without a doubt, pumpkin is an all time seasonal favorite. We are, of course, talking about the real deal, not the artificial pumpkin spice that’s added to so many things. Pumpkin is a highly nutrient-dense food, rich in both minerals…
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Delicious Raw Almond Cherry Cookies

The obesity epidemic that currently affects all countries worldwide can be directly traced to the collapse of home cooking and the popularity of processed, conveniently prepared foods at the supermarket. It means a return to the way nature intended us…
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