Choosing Cancer-Fighting Foods for a Healthier Lifestyle

Rarely a day goes by without us hearing the word dreaded word cancer. It automatically evokes a variety of emotions including—fear, anxiety, and empathy. Along with all the thoughts, all the emotion, all the underlying fear, how often do we…
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Delicious Homemade Carrot Cake Ice Cream

Who doesn’t love ice cream? No one I know. But ice cream doesn’t always love us…at least the ingredients in commercial ice cream. They are, for the most part, not healthy! The only way to get healthy ice cream is…
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Peppermint Green Power Slice

Vegetables are nutrient powerhouses bursting with color and flavor. They provide our bodies with important vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and fiber, all essential nutrients to creating healthy, balanced diets, so it makes sense to include them in our diets in…
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Enjoy Your Daily Health Shake

Who doesn’t want to live a long, healthy, vital life? One that we’re an active participant and not sitting on the sidelines? What’s the use of having our “senior years” if we can’t enjoy them? Living is about the quality…
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Micro-Nutrients Matter

Nutrients are chemical compounds that are found in all the foods we eat. All the functions of your body systems like breathing, thinking and even your beating heart, require energy and this energy comes from nutrients. Nutrients can be broken…
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Natural and Organic are Not Interchangable Terms

Is organic food safer or more nutritious? Organic can be defined as the way farmers grow and process agricultural products like fruits, veggies, grains, dairy products and meat. Organic farmers practice agriculture that is designed to further soil and water…
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Tasty and Nutritious – Pumpkin Ginger Squares

Pumpkin Ginger Squares Looking for a new family taste-treat, the perfect treat or dessert the whole family will love, but it must meet your standard of healthy ingredients? Check out these Pumpkin Ginger Squares. Pumpkin is a very versatile veggie…
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HFCS – An Extremely Bad Sugar

There are two man-made ‘so called’ foods that confuse and throw our natural appetite regulation system ‘out of whack’. The biggest villain of them all and one that most of us have heard about is “trans-fat”. The other villain is…
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Snacking Does Not Have to be Unhealthy…

Intermittent fasting is a recent health trend. It helps many people to lose and sustain weight loss, improves metabolic health and some claim it adds years to our lives. And it is easier than most think because our sleeping hours…
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Nutritously Delicious Lemon Raspberry Cake

Lemon Raspberry Cake   Save Print Prep time 20 mins Total time 20 mins   This gem of a cake is not only delicious and nutritious but it is temptingly beautiful as well with its bright raspberry color demanding attention.…
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