Muscles are Mandatory

Although modern medicine is continually finding cures for many diseases and illnesses our health has been steadily declining since World War II. In the last four decades alone the prevalence of overweight adults has increased from 31 percent to 64…
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A Full Body Workout that Works!

Are you tired of thinking about which body parts need exercise today, or how often the exercises you’ve adopted for particular muscles and limbs need rotating to stay effective? Are you looking for a full body workout that does exactly…
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The Power of the Humble Squat

We now know, without doubt, that sitting for prolonged periods of time is devastating to our health and longevity. Our sedentary lifestyles are taking a toll and many people can no longer perform basic, functional, natural movements without suffering pain…
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Advantages of Slow Weight Training

There are numerous ways you can approach resistance training but one version that seems to work well for lots of people is called “slow weight training”. This kind of exercise fits the description of a complete exercise. The benefits reach…
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Resistance Training and Youthfulness

Over the years, I have been privileged and honored to interact with, learn from and observe men and women who have been weight training for thirty and even forty years. These dedicated fitness buffs do it because they have built…
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The Dead Lift is still King of Exercises

In the late 1800’s a newspaper advertisement promoted a simple exercise machine called the Health Lift which claimed to be the only physical exercise a person needed to boost health, strength and fitness – instantly. Today that particular exercise has…
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The Power of Strength Training…

Essential to staying strong and vital during our lifetime is participation in regular strengthening exercises that help prevent muscle weakening, osteoporosis and frailty by stimulating the growth of muscle and bone. Strengthening exercises are easy to learn and have been…
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Good Posture Is Good Health

Sitting for extended periods of time every day along with avoiding a proper exercise is the ideal recipe for back, neck and hip pain to develop that only increases as time goes by. Unfortunately, our “easy” modern lifestyles promotes this…
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Belly Fat Busters

Just how damaging is it to be fat? Is there really a risk to your life if you are not living at your ideal size? Yes. The physical discomforts of carrying excess weight, are too numerous to list, to say…
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The Value of Strong Core Muscles…

Our bodies once received enough physical activity simply through the act of survival. It was natural and built into our daily actions/needs, and provided an automatic way for us as humans to be fit. But times have changed. How many…
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