Transmuting Negative Thoughts to Positive Ones Reflecting a Healthier You

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BEFORE YOU EMBARK on any sort of eating plan or exercise program, and especially if you have racked up failed attempts to stick with it in the past, you need at the very least to examine the way you think, and if necessary change your thoughts so they are more in line with the result you want.

If you want to improve your health, lose weight and have a well-toned body, then if it is truly going to happen, your thoughts must be congruent with that end goal.

See if you recognize any of these destructive thought patterns as part of your regular thinking:

• Do you constantly worry and obsess about your health?
• When you skip a workout, do you immediately think about the consequences this will have on your health?
• Do you find it hard to participate in social occasions or other activities because
of your health problems?
• Do you believe that being unhealthy is your destiny in life and it’s just too difficult to change your ways now?
• When you catch a glimpse of yourself in a mirror or shop window does it trigger negative feelings about your body and health?
• Do holidays or special occasions cause you distress at the thought of your eating getting out of control, and further setting yourself up for health implications down the road?

Subconscious Thoughts –

If you have been thinking about, or even tried, getting healthy for some time you might find it surprising to discover that these thought patterns have been operating in your mind at a sneaky subconscious level.

This kind of thinking is part of the very CORE of your health issues, and past failures with nutrition and fitness programs only amplify the negative emotions and set you up for repeated failure in the future.

It is not your fault that you experience these thoughts. They are only to be expected if you have not consciously attempted to replace them with positive thoughts that work in entirely the opposite way to get the results you really want.Up until now, you have simply been going about it the wrong way.

You have been trying to take action before you have worked on changing your thoughts.

But once you identify the negative thoughts, change them to positive ones, and get out of your own way, then it all becomes so much easier.

Pay Attention to Your Thoughts –

Be on the lookout for these “thought villains”, as they most definitely are not your friends. They are out to cause you harm. They kill your motivation to either eat right or get into better shape, or both.

This is probably the main reason you have found it all to be so difficult until now. These negative thoughts work directly against you. They bring you down, sabotage your motivation, and leave you with a feeling of helplessness.

Now that you are aware of these rogue thoughts you have the power to deal with them.

As each one presents itself in your mind kick it to the curb. Dismiss it immediately. Do not allow it to take hold and inflict further damage upon you.

Cancel Button –

One way to deal to these thoughts is to install (through visualization) a big “CANCEL” button on the palm of your
left hand. This has a direct link to your brain through your hand, arm, shoulder and neck.

When a negative thought or feeling shows itself, simply push the CANCEL button with a thumb or finger from the opposite hand (or do it in your mind).

Visualize that cancel signal travelling through the wiring to your brain and immediately cancelling out the negative thought.

The energy needs to go somewhere, so transmute each negative thought into a positive immediately. The language of the subconscious brain is symbols and images, so have a happy feel-good memory ready to replace the cancelled negative thought.

By focusing on a feel-good memory every time you catch a negative thought or feeling trying to sneak its way into your subconscious you are helping to rewire your brain by creating positive neural pathways which override the negative ones.

By pushing that CANCEL button and taking the time to stop the negative thinking when we recognize it, we are in effect slowing down the “firing” of that neural pathway. By then refocusing on a feel-good memory we take our negative fear-based (lower brain) thoughts and replace them with a higher brain function.

The more you do this the better you will get at it and you will soon have the skills to stop any negative thoughts dead in their tracks. Eventually they will no longer even bother to present themselves as they will get nowhere with you.

Thoughts precede Action –

Always keep in mind the fact that your thoughts are more important than the actions you take.

If you keep yourself in a constant positive frame of mind, you will be able to keep your motivation to achieve optimal health strong and resilient.

Think of the new thoughts and self-beliefs dropped into your subconscious mind like seeds planted in the fertile soil. They will continue to grow and intensify over time.

You will find you will automatically make better food choices, will eat less and begin to enjoy exercise.

When this happens, you will not only achieve better health far more easily, but you can feel confident the chances you sustain better health for the long haul will be that much higher.

Embrace a higher quality of life through healthy thinking and positive action – 

You can take control of your life and your health –

“Wellness Wakeup Call”  can help you do just that…

For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your health and fitness goals please visit:

Carolyn Hansen Fitness

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