Today I Choose Joy


Where does your inner compass lead you? Does it point to struggle, doubt, sadness, low energy, along with poor health with only sporadic spurts of happiness and clinging to hope?

Or does it point to ease, health, wealth and a high state of energy and joy that is sustainable?

Today I choose joy….

We all have the capacity to live a life that is filled with joy.

This is the feeling of being truly happy with what you have and the world around you.

Happiness – real happiness – is quieter and calmer, but that sense of peace is deeply satisfying and can sustain you through life’s challenges.

It’s true, we live in a culture that tells us we are supposed to be euphoric all the time, but that feeling isn’t sustainable. Moreover, true happiness isn’t elusive. It’s available right now. You just have to know where to lookYour Inner Compass –

After all, being joyful is about inspiration, passion, motivation and zest but for life and living. It is about setting goals and taking time out to do the things not only that you WANT to do but you NEED to do to build that joy.

When you pursue a higher level of health you also build a higher level of joy in your life.

And a joyful life is a JOY filled life. One that supports good health.

They go together hand in hand.

Each supporting the other, round and round in a positive, self-perpetuating feedback loop.

When you are joyful, your whole body and brain benefits protecting you from the serious health conditions that are rampant in our busy, stressful world.

Negative states like anxiety, depression and stress can dampen immunity and increase inflammation in the body leading to a multitude of diseases and conditions.

This may sound a bit weird, but joy is nothing more than a choice, to look at the blessings in our lives and embrace the trials.

Joy is accepting that sometimes things are out of your control, and that we must make the best of our situation.

The Silver Lining –

I understand that this is easier said than done. In fact, sometimes I feel like I should be an expert given all the trials I’ve endured in life. If there were awards for overcoming hard times, my mantle would be lined with trophies. However, instead of tangible recognition, what I’ve truly gained is a transformed heart.

These challenges have not only shaped me but have also deepened my empathy and compassion, making me a more caring and resilient person. Each hardship has been a stepping stone, molding me into someone who values growth and understands the strength that comes from vulnerability.

I have become someone that learned through the pain of my past and overcame the trials I experienced. I have become someone that has chosen, despite those experiences, to share both my trials and my joys with others.

The encouraging news is that studies reveal happy people are more likely to take good care of themselves. They tend to exercise regularly, choose nutritious foods, enjoy better sleep, and steer clear of harmful habits like smoking and excessive drinking.

Happiness not only boosts overall well-being but also fosters a positive mindset that encourages healthy choices and sustainable lifestyle habits.

When we prioritize our happiness, it naturally leads to a healthier, more balanced life.

The best thing about joy is that we can all CHOOSE to have it in our lives, plus this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use.

To boost the joy and happiness in your life, go here to download these free gifts –

Self Improvement Gifts

You will likely find something that will help you live life like it matters – all while enjoying the kind of stress-free, disease-free, energetic quality of life that is your birthright.

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